New information on doctrine, practices, or history of the church may bring these?
Questions, doubts
As we continue to see for answers we must live by what?
We can seek further understanding how?
Through divinely appointed sources
Who is the source of all truth?
When seeking and asking, what help should we seek in order to see things the way the Lord sees them?
The Holy Ghost's help
What is a vital part of our effort to learn truth?
asking questions an seeking answers
Answers to prayers and questions often come how?
Line upon line, precept upon precept
What are some of the divinely appointed sources listed?
The light of Christ, the Holy Ghost, scriptures, parents, Church leaders
How has God promised to reveal truth?
To out minds and to our hearts through the Holy Ghost if we diligently seek Him
When examining historical questions it would be helpful to do what?
Consider cultural norms of the time period
Inspired questions should be considered what?
Gifts from God
How can we help others acquire sprirtual knowledge?
Fill in the blanks:
We live in a time when many "call ______ good and ______ _______".
bad, good, bad
God divinely ordained pattern to share knowledge requires what first?
Our desire
We should not give historical details too much weight because they do not carry what?
The saving power of ordinances, covenants and doctrines
What will greatly affect our ability to learn through the Holy Ghost?
The attitude and intent with which we ask and seek
What does it mean to act in faith?
We turn to God through sincere prayer, study His teachings, and obey His commandments
Learning to recognize and avoid unreliable sources can protect us from what?
Misinformation and from those who seek to destroy faith
List 5 of the 9 doctrinal topics we study or doctrinal mastery?
To examine doctrinal concepts, questions, and social issues with an eternal perspective, we need to consider them in what context?
In the context of the plan of salvation and the teachings of the Savior.
What are 2 of the 3 principles that can guide us as we seek?
1. Act in faith
2. Examine concepts and questions with an eternal purpose
3. Seek further understanding through divine sources
As we seek deeper understanding and answers to questions it is important that we rely on what?
The testimony we already have of Jesus Christ, the Restoration, and the teachings of His prophets
Satan seeks to do what?
Distort truth and persuade us to turn away from the Lord an His appointed servants
We can seek truth by...?
Our sincere desire which will lead us to seek truth through prayer and to diligently study the word of God
Being distracted by less significant details at the expanse of missing the unfolding of the Restoration is compared to what?
It is like spending time analyzing a gift box and ignoring the wonder of the gift itself