Random Inferences
Random Context Clues
Calming Down
Context Clues from Maripsoa
Size of the Problem

Jasmine did not want to go, but Ginger was clearly very excited.  It was rainy out, so Jasmine put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger waited impatiently by the door.  Finally, Jasmine grabbed the leash and out they went.

What can you infer about Ginger?  What makes you think so? 

Ginger is a dog.


Olivia stared at the newest style of jeans in the catalog. She just had to have them. Her birthday money was not quite enough to cover the expense. Although she didn't want to GROVEL, she decided to plead with her parents for the money to buy them. 

Using context clues, what does the word GROVEL mean?

plead, beg


You check your science grade and it says you are missing a big project, but you know you turned it in.  You get really upset.  Name 2 things you can do to calm down.  

1. take some deep breaths

2. talk to an adult 


The summer of the mariposas we abandoned our beloved Loteria (a game), neglected our chores, and went completely wild.  When Mama would get upset because we weren't helping we'd whine and then scrub out a pan or to before we would go play again."

What does neglected mean?

neglected- didn't pay attention to, didn't do


Someone bumps into you in the hallway. 

- What size problem is this?

- What would an appropriate reaction be?

It is a small problem.  

You can just keep walking, sigh, tell yourself oh well.


"Oh no, my ring is missing!" said mom in a panic.

"When did you have it last?" Dad asked.

"Well," replied Mom, "I took it off and put it by the sink while I was doing the dishes, but it isn't there now."

What do you think happened to Mom's ring?

The ring went down the drain.


The lead dog was so INCOMPETENT that he had to be replaced by one that was more useful to the pack. 

Using context clues, what does the word INCOMPETENT mean?

useless, stupid


Someone posts something about you on instagram.  You get super made.  Tell 2 things you can do to stay calm.  

1. turn off your phone

2. talk to an adult


The waters of the Rio Grande river were unruly and loud, but we found an alcove far off El Indio Highway, a pebbled niche where the current swirled peacefully and stayed for awile.  There it pooled before rushing off down the river to other places. 

What does alcove mean?

Alcove- a pool, small safe space

You got an F on a math test.  

- What size problem is this?

- What would an appropriate reaction be?

This is a small-medium problem.

An appropriate reaction would be to be a little bit upset and then figure how you can get a better grade. Ask your teacher, get extra help. 


As soon as Aleena saw the menu, she knew exactly what she wanted to drink.  When her steaming cup came, she tasted a spoonful of whipped cream before taking a sip of her yummy, sweet drink.

What do you think is in Aleena's cup?

Hot chocolate


Mrs. Holzer will not accept answers in his class unless the students are able to support their answers with evidence from the text. He told the students they must CORROBORATE their statements related to the text. 

Using context clues, what does CORROBORATE mean?

give evidence for

You have a sub that you don't like in history class.  You don't want to go to class.  Tell 2 things that can help you go.
1. get a drink of water

2. tell yourself, "it's okay. It's just 50 minutes. I can just do my work and not talk to the sub."


"Holy shitake mushrooms!" the twins, Velia and Delia shouted in unison, frozen in place. 

What does unison mean?

unison- together 


Someone calls you a bad name.  

- What size problem is this?

- What would an appropriate reaction be?

Small problem

Ignore it, tell an adult, talk to someone about it


"Thanks for cleaning off the whiteboard, Joey," said Mrs. Moore.  

"Sure thing," Joey replied as he grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. "See you tomorrow morning."

Where do you think Joey and Mrs. Moore are?

Classroom or school


Although she was SKEPTICAL about our plan at first, she finally believed that it would be a good idea. 

Using context clues, what does the word SKEPTICAL mean?



The math test is super hard and you don't know how to do any problems.  Name 2 things you can do to help you stay calm. 

1. tell yourself "it's okay I can just try my best."

2. take some deep breaths

3. ask to go get a drink of water

4. ask to take it in Ms. Zamora's room


We stood, all five of us, drenched with fear on the back on the river, staring wildly at the first cadaver we'd ever seen in our lives.

What is a cadaver?

Cadaver- dead person, corpse


Someone calls you a bad name multiple times a day. 

- What size problem is this?

- What would an appropriate reaction be?

Medium problem

tell an adult, be upset but talk to someone about it and then move on


I am all dressed up, sitting here with my parents.  The flowers are beautiful.  The music is starting!  Here she comes, walking down the aisle! Her dress is so pretty.  I hope the ceremony goes quickly so I can have some cake? Where am I?

A wedding! 


A man sued a toddler for accidentally scuffing his shoes, but the judge found that the lawsuit was FRIVOLOUS and dismissed the case.

Using context clues, what does FRIVOLOUS mean?

silly, unimportant


Someone calls you a bad name in PE.  Tell 2 things you can do to stay calm. 

1. ignore it and tell yourself "I'm better than that"

2. move away from that student and find a student that is kind to talk to


Delia pulled her ratty tennis shoes off her feet and beat them against each other, trying to loosen the clumps of dirt from their soles.

What does ratty mean?

ratty- old dirty, beat up


Somone is joking around with you, but they went too far and now it's not funny

- What size problem is this?

- What would an appropriate reaction be?


find someone else to talk to, tell them they went to far