In School

What to do the moment you realize you don't understand your class work.

What is: ask an elbow partner or the teacher for help.


What to do if you notice bullying.

1.  Stand up to it if you feel safe doing so.

2.  Talk to or email a staff member or your counselor about it.


What to do when your computer is not working.

Try to fix it, check in with your teacher, fill out a swap ticket, call in your swap ticket, deliver your computer to the swap room between 12pm and 3:10pm.


What happens to kids when they think they will remember every single homework assignment without writing it down.

What is: They end up missing assignments.


What to do if school doesn't feel fun.

What is: Talk to a staff member or your counselor about finding some activities that will help you find the joy in school again.


What to do when someone is bullying you online.

What is:

1.  Unfollow that person.

2.  Take a Screenshot.

2.  Talk to your family and email or talk to your counselor.


What to do when you can't see the board from your seat.

What is: ask your teacher one-on-one for help?


What to do if your family doesn't have the money for school activities or supplies.

What is: talk to your counselor


What to do when you witness bullying online.

What is:

1. Speak up against it if you feel you can do so safely.

2.  Take a screenshot.

3. Talk to your family and email or talk to your counselor.


What to do if you feel confused every day in a class.

Talk to your teacher one-on-one, talk to your family about it, and talk to your counselor for ways to get extra support.


What to do when you need to talk to your family about something in the middle of class.

Talk one-on-one with your teacher about the right way/time to contact home.


Where to save documents on your computer.

What is: In organized folders in OneDrive EVER SINGLE TIME.


What to do when you get home and don't remember what homework you need to do.

What is: 

1.  Ask a more responsible friend

2.  check your teachers' Websites (SWIFT, Canvas), Check Skyward

3.  Start writing your homework down in the same place every time.


What to do when your teacher asks you to put your phone away.

What is: put your phone away and keep it away. If there is something about your phone that is worrying you, talk one-on-one with your teacher or counselor.


What to do when your computer runs out of battery at school.

What is:

1.  Apologize to your teacher for the inconvenience.

2.  Ask your teacher's advice on how best to complete the work.

3.  Make sure to charge your computer every night at home or, if you did, fill out a swap ticket to get your battery checked/repaired.