Your reading assignment is too difficult
raise my hand
You're losing the game during recess or PE
You need to blow your nose
Get up and get a tissue
Your sibling is trying to start a fight with you
Ignore, get an adult
You're feeling frustrated and you're having a hard time controlling your behavior
Ask parents for help on what coping skill to use
Work is feeling overwhelming
Ask for a break
Your peer says BBQ sauce is gross but you love it
Ignore and move on
You are working independently on math but the problem is too hard.
Raise your hand
Your mom is giving you too many chores
Ask respectfully for help or less chores
You're feeling very sad
Class instruction is moving too fast
Ask to slow down
Your peers want to play something different than you do at recess
Compromise or play independently
You're working on an assignment when you get stuck and all adults are busy.
Problem solve, then raise your hand
You want to go play outside but your parents say no
Ask for an alternative activity
You're feeling so excited that you're having a hard time calming down
Ask for an energy break
The class is being very loud while you're trying to work
Raise hand, ask if adults can help lower the volume or get noise cancelling headphones
You try to talk to your peer at lunch but they don't want to talk to you
find someone new to talk to
You want to play by yourself but a peer asks you to play
You say no thank you and ask if they want to play another time
You want a new toy and your parents say no
Invent a new game with what you already have
You are trying to solve a difficult puzzle and are saying unkind words to yourself
Ask an adult for help or use a positive affirmation
You have been working hard on your journal and you're being asked to redo it
Ask for help completing it
You see someone push another student down
Help your peer up and get an adult
You want to work ahead but staff says no
Accept and continue working with the class
Your parent raises their voice at you
Ask to take space
Why is it important to ask for help?
It helps you overcome challenges, learn and grow, and reduce stress.