What sign is produced by a flat bent handshape on the front of your forehead
What percent of Deaf children are born with hearing parents?
Please introduce yourself to someone, then ask them their name.
Who brought hand signals (signs) to the sport of baseball!
William "Dummy" Hoy
Whats my (Brittany's) name sign?
What are three signs that relate to school
What is the educational method/term used for lipreading and speaking?
Fingerspell your full name: First, Middle, Last
Where was the football huddle first used?
Gallaudet University
Fingerspell: "UNBELIEVABLE"
Please sign who you live with at home in a complete sentence.
In the 1800's what percent of the population on Martha's Vineyard was Deaf?
In a complete sentence, please sign "where is the bathroom?"
What was the name of the first school for the deaf? Where is it located?
The American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut
What is Gallaudet University and where is it located?
The first University for the Deaf located in Washington, D.C.
Please sign the days of the week
What is the educational method/ term used when teaching and using ASL
In a complete sentence, sign your favorite sport. (or other activity)
Who was the first man to try and stop genetic deafness?
AGB, Alexander Graham Bell
In the beginning of the movie, what candy is super deafy's downfall.
Red twists
Sign all 6 correctly: Who, what, where, when, why, how
Name all 5 parameters
1. Handshape
2. Location
3. Palm orientation
4. Movement
5. Nonmanual signs (Facial expression)
Oh no! You forgot your teachers name. Sign to a friend asking them to tell you what it is?
deaf vs. Deaf
Explain the difference
d, doesn't use ASL is not likely involved in the deaf community and views deafness medically
D, uses ASL and is involved in the Deaf community. Proud to be deaf
What is Jonah's Mothers name?
Jenny Courelli