Fingerspell everyday, with friends, fingerspell everything you see
What is improving your fingerspelling
Palms faces in for these numbers sets in ASL
What are numbers 1-5 and 11-15
The question word goes where in the sentence
What is the end of the sentence
This handshape is used for the sign "don't"
What is open a?
They move out away from your body, and repeat by bouncing or dragging
What is fingerspelling double letters
Phone numbers, and addresses, e-mail, time and in general any number should be signed
What is palm facing forward?
These ASL questions usually end with your eyebrows up
What is a yes/no question?
This handshape is used for the sign "asl"
What is x?
Palm out facing you, Elbow Down, spell away from your body
What is the proper way to fingerspell
These numbers are signed with and "L" handshape except for number 22, 23, 25
What are numbers 21-29
What type of topic goes with the grammer: person, age, event
Life Events
This handshape is used to sign the word "look-at"
What is v?
Bounce your hand, look at your hand, mouth each letter, block your face
What is the wrong way to fingerspell?
The handshape for numbers 100-900
C handshape
Gloss this sentence: What time is your appointment?
Your appointment time what?
The signs "store" "move" and "give all use this handshape?
What is flat-o?
Context (topic of the conversation), Configuration (the shape of the word), and Closure (filling in the gaps)
What are the 3 C's of fingerspelling
In ASL minute, hours, day, week, month, and age, except year can be incorporated with the sign. Anything after that has to be signed wit the sign first and the number last.
What is the rule of nine?
This is a question that does not require an answer, typically when the question word is signed the eyebrows are up. This sentence structure results with the signer answering their own question.
What is a rhetorical question?
The signs "next" "excuse me" and "know" use this handshape
What is bent B?