What is the sign for asl?
Fingerspell "A-S-L"
What is the sign for friend?
Index fingers on both hands bend together and twist top and bottom
What is the sign for funny?
Index and pointer finger on dominant hand are together and making a circular motion on your nose
Two fists twist around center
What is the sign for like (as in similar)?
CL: Y move side to side
What is the sign for math?
make the "m" handshake and glide across your hands
What is the sign for relationship?
Both hands are in the "f" shape and are interlocked, move both hands in a circle
What is the sign for mean?
Dominant hand starts at nose and moves down past non dominant hand with thumbs pointing up
What is the sign for "Crazy-for"?
CL: 5 over face, positive facial expression
What is the sign for fly (as in fly in a plane)?
Pinkie finger, pointer, and thumb move around to simulate a plane
What is the sign for English?
Sign "girl" at chin and bring hand down to sign friend
What is the sign for pretty?
Dominant hand in CL: 5 waves over face
What is the sign for "not crazy for"?
CL:5 over face with negative facial expressions
What is the sign for get (as in receive)?
Hands open and pull towards body as fists close
What is the sign for college?
Both hands are flat, they touch palm to palm, and the dominant hand makes a "U" shape upwards
How do you sign "fall in love"?
CL: 1 at chin and then "falls" onto non-dominant hand in a bouncing motion
What is the sign for laugh?
open hands circle around a center (similar to confused or cloudy)
What is the sign for good at?
Non dominant hand is flat and dominant hand holds the outside of it and pulls away
What is the sign for like (as in enjoy)?
Thumb and middle finger pull out from chest
What is the sign for government?
Dominant hand is in CL: 1 and twists around before touching your temple
What is the sign for "break up"?
Make two fists and bend to make a breaking motion, then sign "U" and "P"
What is the sign for mischievous?
What is the sign for bad at?
Non dominant hand is in a fist, dominant thumb is in top of fist and hand swings out away from body
What is the sign for get (as in understand)?
Pointer finger by head, flick up