True or False: It is appropriate to talk even though you know ASL when a deaf person enters the room?
Name 3 Classifiers
(add your own classifiers to describe objects)
According to several research studies, ASL is claimed to be the third most commonly used language in the United States.
What is the correct order to sign: I don't pay attention in class because my teacher is very talkative.
What is the difference between visual vernacular (VV) and classifiers (CL)?
Visual Vernacular (VV) - a unique form of American Sign Language performance, with elements of poetry and mime developed by Deaf artists.
Classifiers - signs that are used to represent general categories or "classes" of things.
What is the correct way to sign: I just went up the canyon in Provo and the leaves were gorgeous!
Classifiers are signs that use handshapes that are associated with specific categories.
True or False: When asking a WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY question, your eyebrows go up.
False. Eyebrows go down.
How do Deaf people talk on phone?
Videophones, Facetime, Video texting, text messaging, etc.
What is the correct order to sign: Do you have plans for fall break?
What is tactile signing, or Pro-Tactile ASL (PTASL)?
This means tactile American Sign Language used by Deaf-blind, that touches hands to read the signing.
What is the correct order to sign: Recently, I made a dozen pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and they were surprisedly delicious!
What are the eight classifiers in ASL?
Semantic Classifier, Descriptive Classifier, Instrument Classifier, Element Classifiers, Locative Classifier, Body Classifier, Body Part Classifier, and Plural Classifier.
Can all Deaf people read lips?
No, not all hearing people can either! Reading lips is not something specifically that Deaf people can do, it is something that Deaf people HAVE done and sometimes need to do in order to exist and participate in a conversation where signing is not an option. Most people can not read lips, it is also virtually impossible to read lips accurately 100%.
Two years ago I woke up early in the morning for school to see that my dog ripped up my homework.
Two years ago, early in the morning, I woke up, I see my homework ripped up (point) why? my dog.