being well-informed about a subject
What is cha (one c-hand in front of the other c-hand)
What is F-hand dominant F hand moving
Used for counting
What is cardinal
The sign for to get in contact with
25-hand touching each other
a frightened or alarmed reaction
What is to be scared
lacking knowledge or awareness
ignorance O-hand on forehead
Deaf Studies
What is deaf study
When signing this number sign must start at the chin
What is age
To transfer form here to here
what is bent v-hand moving right to left
reaction to something that failed to meet one's expectations
What is disappointed
having the ability or training to perform a certain task well
What is skill
What are the m-hands rubbing each other
When signing this number index finger must start at the temple
What is cent
having a creative mind
what is 4-hand moving from the temple out
A joyful reaction upon learning good news
What is to be thrilled
not able to
what is can't
What is L-hand starting together then moving away from each other
When signing this number both 1 hands are used while the dominant 1-hand goes behind the non-dominant 1-hand
What is month
to have experience with
what is experience
a reaction of anxious uneasiness or worry
What is U-P-S-E-T
do something without skill or elegance
what is clumsy (3-hand) sign for awkward
Internal Medicine
What is medicine
When signing this number your non dominant hand is an open b and the dominant 1-hand moves over the open b hand
What is week
to catch on quite easily
What is pick-up pick-up pick-up
A relieved reaction being freed from fear or worry
What is relieved