what is the sign for eggs
two fingers together in the h handshape like your breaking a egg
sign vegtable
make a v handshape on your cheek
sighn for My
open palm to chest
sign Mexico
a two and middle of the top of your forehead go up with it
sign blond hair
Y handshape going down the side of your hair
What is the sign for bread
make a b shape and move your hand up and down as a m shade
sign pineapple
make a hole with one hand put your other hand through the hole and make sprout like the green on the top of a pineapple.
sign you
pointing at person with pointer finger
a soldier touch each shoulder and go down to your side and point
sign blue eyes
point to eyes then make a B-shape with your hand and shake
sign 8
middle finger and thumb together
make a cup with both hands and put it together and flip your hands from top and bottom
sign for name
both hands are on top of each other with index and pointer together
sign France
make your pointer and thumb go together then circle your wrist
sign tall
shake hand over head o show taller than you
sign dress
take both hands and take them down your body and then go out near your hips
sign for lettece
hit the side your head with open hand
apple in asl
sign Africa
hand open twist fingers close to a flat O
sign short
put your hand lowe than yours and show there shorter than you
sign your name
sign the word butter
put two fingers together and rub it as if you were spreading in the other hand.
true/false- asl doesn't have a structure (order)
sign Italy
pinky finger do a T on your forehead
sign skinny
make your cheekbones show and put your thumb and pointer finger together