savings, to save, to put away
I owe Johnny $50. How would I sign this?
The cost of higher education keeps increasing. Parents feel like they are paying more than they would like to. How would I sign this?
This is used when someone has paid off the remaining balance of a loan.
When I make a purchase using my debit card, I am using money from my account. What sign would I used to discuss what happens with the money?
to subtract; deduct from
My friend wanted to go to a fancy restaurant but I am broke. What sign would I use?
To be broke; out out of money
I really want a new car but I can't afford it. How would I sign this?
I have an aunt who is rich. She has a big house, fancy cars, and goes shopping every day. What sign would I use to describe her?
When I take my friend out for dinner and pay for it.
This is a machine by which I can take money out of my account as cash.
My daughter loves to spend money. She spends it as quickly as she gets it. What sign would I use?
to spend more than you should; spend money recklessly
My home has increased in value. How would I sign this?
My family has donated to many charities over the years. How would I sign this?
Variation on give (2h)
I would use this sign when talking about money received for working.
I wrote a check to pay my car payment but did not have enough money in my account to cover it. What sign would I use?
BOUNCE; check that is returned to the bank for insufficient funds.
When I was younger, I lived paycheck to paycheck. How would I sign this?
barely make ends meet; paycheck to paycheck
Every month, I must pay my house payment. How would I sign this?
to keep paying
My friend is stingy with her money. How would I sign this?
to be a cheapskate; to be stingy.
My grandmother left me a large amount of money when she passed. What sign would I use?
RECEIVE (large, lump sum)
Each month, I must reconcile my checking account with my bank statement. Which sign would I use?
Last month, I decided to pay off my car. I owed a total of $4000. I made one payment of $4000. How would I sign this?
My house, after 15 years, was paid off. How would I sign this?
to have a debt paid in full; to pay off
Over the past several years, it becomes more and more costly to live. How would I sign this?