How do you spell FOX?
What is the sign for "DOG"?
What is the sign for "3"?
How do you sign "Hello?"
How do you sign "snake?'
How do you spell "quick'?
What is the sign for "CAT"?
What is the sign for "10"?
How do you sign "homework"?
How do you sign cow?
How do you spell "BANANAS?"
What is the sign for "bird"?
What is the sign for "9"?
What is the sign for "SCHOOL"?
What is the sign for fish?
How do you spell "XRAY?"
What is the sign for "bunny rabbit"?
What is the sign for "6"?
What is the sign for "chicken sandwich"?
What is the sign for "horse"?
How do you spell "Wednesday?"
What is the sign for "BUTTERFLY"?
What is the sign for "100"?
What is the sign for "THANK YOU"?
What is the sign for bear?