Introduce yourself! Hello, my name is ___.
Hello, my name is ___.
True or False:
If you talk louder, a Deaf person will be able to hear you.
Fingerspell the alphabet!
Sign how old you are.
*Using age spot* I am __ years old.
Sign the following vocabulary words correctly...
1. Yes
2. No
3. Please
4. Sorry
1. Yes
2. No
3. Please
4. Sorry
Give a common misconception that you know exists surrounding Deaf culture/the Deaf Community or Deaf people (or give one that you have heard).
Deaf people cannot drive
Sign Language is one universal language
Deaf people are good lip-readers
Hearing loss only affects the older generation
Hearing aids instantly make you hear
Deafness is always hereditary
Hearing loss can be repaired by medicine or surgery
If you talk louder, Deaf people can hear you
What's the sign for Miami University?
Miami University
What's the typical grammatical structure for ASL?
Topic first, comment second.
Ex. "Pizza I like"
Sign the colors of the rainbow!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
Explain the difference between Deaf and deaf.
- not viewed as a disability and participate in Deaf culture
deaf refers to the medical model of deafness- medical diagnosis of "you can't hear" and typically those who view themselves as "deaf" aren't participants in the Deaf community
1. Study
2. Teacher & Student
3. Music
1. Study
2. Teacher & Student
3. Music
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Vote
4. November
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Vote
4. November
If asking someone a "WH" question (who, what, when, where, why), what facial expressions should you use?
Eyebrows down
What's the current time? Sign it.
Sign the current time.
What is something that is considered acceptable in Deaf Culture, but not in hearing culture?
Pointing is allowed
Eye contact is necessary
Facial expressions are extremely important for context
Very expressive/visual
Very direct
Deafness is an identity for Deaf people
Deaf: embraces their Deafness and is proud of it
Pointing is rude
Eye contact isn’t necessary
Facial expressions aren’t always given
Not always direct
Hearing isn’t an identity
Many hearing people pity those who are Deaf and view Deafness as something to be fixed
1. Elementary School
2. Middle School
3. High School
Which was your favorite? Sign it.
1. Elementary School
2. Middle School
3. High School
"___ school my favorite."
Sign all states that start with an "A"
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Arkansas
Explain what your signing space is.
Your signing space is the "square-shaped" space between your shoulders and hips. This is the space where all of your signing should occur. You should want to fill your sign space and not sign "too big" (outside of this space) or "too small" (focused on one small location within your signing space).
Sign the following Halloween vocabulary words...
1. Spider
2. Pumpkin
3. Frankenstein
4. Mummy
5. Bones
6. Skeleton
1. Spider
2. Pumpkin
3. Frankenstein
4. Mummy
5. Bones
6. Skeleton
What percentage of Deaf babies are born to hearing families?
A. 90% - 95%
B. 75% - 80%
C. 30% - 35%
D. 15% - 20%
The correct answer is A.
90% of Deaf babies are born to hearing parents. According to a 2010 survey by Galludet University, only 40% of those families use some form of sign language at home.
"I like/dislike football because it's ___."
Football I like/dislike. Why (eyebrows up) football ___.
Sign all states that start with an "M"
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana.
Ask me...
*remember facial expressions and mouth morphemes*
1. What's your name?
2. You like popcorn?
3. You like candy?
4. Where do go to school?
1. What's your name?
2. You like popcorn?
3. You like candy?
4. Where do go to school?