How to sign?
Non-Dominant hand: palm up; front of body
Dominant hand: B handshape; palm sideways; cut out triangle; on palm of Non-Dominant hand
How to Sign?
Non-Dominant Hand: Palm up
Dominant Hand: Open B handshape; Horizontal flipping/rotating motion; on palm of Non-Dominant hand
How to Sign?
Both hands: Bent B handshape; Overlap one another; on mouth.
How to Sign?
Both hands: Bent B handshape;
How to Sign?
Dominant hand: L handshape; palm sideways; wiggle pointer finger up & down;
How To Sign?
Chocolate Ice cream
"C" sign on top of the back of non-dominant hand, then repeatedly tilt dominant hand in front of chin while pretending to lick it
How to Sign?
Scrambled Eggs
Index finger of dominant hand spun inside of an arch shape of non-dominant hand, then connect both hands with 2 fingers and repeatedly open & close them while pointing both fingers in front of you
How to Sign?
Chicken Salad
With 2 fingers in a claw formation, repeatedly scratch the palm of your non-dominant hand then make both hands into claw formations and lift them palms up while joining them together
How To Sign?
Mashed Potatoes
Fist formation pound the palm of your non-dominant hand, then with 2 fingers in a claw formation tap the wrist of your non-dominant hand twice
How to sign?
What, Why, Where
How To Sign?
Cookie, Cake, Pie
Cookie: Claw formation with all fingers on non-dominant palm then turn palm with fingers up,
Cake: Curve dominant hand and slide it across your flat non-dominant hand
Pie: Cut a slide out of non-dominant hand with your hand flat on its side
How To Sign?
Egg, Bacon, Toast
Egg: Connect both hands with 2 fingers on their sides and repeatedly open & close them while pointing both fingers in front of you
Bacon: Connect both hands with 2 fingers in an arch and separate them both while wiggling fingers up and down
Toast: Claw form with 2 fingers, tap back and front of non-dominant hand
How To Sign?
Meat, Cheese, Hotdog
Meat: "F" sign and hold non-dominant hand between index and thumb
Cheese: Connect both palms with fingers pointing in opposite directions and shake your dominant hand
Hotdog: Fold non-dominant hand with palm facing upwards and put index finger on your palm on the side
How To Sign?
Soup, Pizza, Hamburger
Soup: With 2 fingers and thumb outward pretend to eat out of flat non-dominant hand
Pizza: Fingerspell
Hamburger: Clasp your hands together then do it the opposite way
Identify the Classifier for the following word
How To Sign?
Cherry Pie, Vanilla Icecream, Dark Chocolate
Cherry Pie: Cover non-dominant pinky with fingers and turn, then cut a slide out of non-dominant hand with your hand flat on its side
Vanilla Icecream: "V" sign on the back of non-dominant hand, then repeatedly tilt dominant hand in front of chin while pretending to lick it
Dark Chocolate: Both hands with fingers up, cover face then "C" sign on top of the back of non-dominant hand
How To Sign?
French Toast, Cuban Sandwich, Egg Salad
French Toast: Spin F sign upwards then tap front and back of non-dominant hand with 2 claw formation
Cuban Sandwich: Fingerspell Cuban then form both hands into a bent B handshape and overlap one another on mouth
Egg Salad: Connect both hands with 2 fingers on their sides and repeatedly open & close them while pointing both fingers in front of you, Then with 2 fingers in a claw formation repeatedly scratch the palm of your non-dominant hand then make both hands into claw formations and lift them palms up while joining them together
How to Sign?
Chicken salad, Cheese sandwich, bean burrito
Chicken salad: Imitate beak, moving index finger vertically (1 handshape) then under-handed circular motion (5 claw handshape).
Cheese salad: rub the base of one palm with the other palm horizontally front of body (5 handshape).
Bean burrito: Count peas in a pod on (1 handshape), then fingerspell B-U-R-R-I-T-O.
How to sign?
Baked chicken, green beans, carrot soup
Baked chicken: Imitate putting something in oven then bird opening & closing its beak (1 handshape).
Green beans: Shake G handshape then imitate counting beans in a pod with index fingers.
Carrot soup: Imitate eating long stick (1 handshape) then drinking from spoon (U handshape)
What type of words is the following classifier describing?
A person or a thin/long object
I love to eat ice cream on a hot sunny day.
Day hot sunny I love eat ice cream
I ate eggs this morning.
Morning I ate eggs
In the evening, I had a sandwich.
Evening I eat/have sandwich
My mom made me rice in the afternoon.
Afternoon rice my mom make me
Identify all ASL Parameters for the following word/phrase
What happened?
Handshape: 1
Palm orientation: down
Movement: twist wrist inwards
Location: Front of body
Non-Manual Markers: Furrow eyebrows