Eyebrows up for yes/no questions, lean forward slightly, hold the last sign slightly.
What is a Question type?
What is the handshape for the sign HARD-OF-HEARING?
What is H?
In Deaf culture, not maintaining eye contact is considered what?
What is rude?
• If you know any ASL you should try to sign.
• Very rude to continue talking in front of them.
• If a non-signing and Deaf person are in the same room, be a bridge.
• Don't try to speak and sign.
Use the sign for "HOME" in a sentence signed in ASL.
Who traveled Africa to educate deaf children. This person was a minister and opened numerous schools in Africa.
Who is Andrew Foster?
The appropriate ASL gloss for the question "What is your name?"
The Location for the sign FAVORITE
What is the chin?
Your first and last name and any connections you have to the Deaf community.
What is what you should share when meeting a Deaf person for the first time?
Sign in correct ASL grammar: Are you learning ASL?
eyebrow raise
• Born in Herman, Nebraska.• Bachelors and masters at Gallaudet.• Lived on the campus for 30 years.• Language translator at State Department.
• Knew 6 languages in addition to ASL.• Became an illustrator.• Had exhibits at Smithsonian (and is only Deaf artist to do so).• Received honorary doctorate.• Plant and daisy species named after her.
Who is Regina Olson Hughes.
The appropriate facial expression to use for the phrase "ARE YOU HEARING?"
What is YES/NO Question type (eyebrows up)?
Meaning, emotion, and grammar are expressed through this
What is facial expressions/Non-manual markers/signals?
Using an Intermediary
What is the appropriate way to Get Someone's attention?
Waving • Across the room = overhead wave. • Across the table = small wave in line of vision. • Natural and casual is your best bet.
Tapping • For people facing away from you. • Tap the upper arm gently 2-3 times. • Hard or fast or too many times communicated distress.
Using an Intermediary
• The person is not close enough for a small wave or tap. • Get the intermediary to tap or wave to the person and direct them to you
Ask a partner to solve a math problem.
21 + 4=?
Use ASL numbers/signs correctly and appropriate facial grammar.
WH-Q eyebrows down
21 + 4 = WHAT
CJ Jones
Who is a famous Deaf comedian?
22 handshapes to represent 26 letters of the manual alphabet
What is fingerspelling?
Handshape "B" (both hands) tapping them in neutral space. Dominant hand tapping and the Non-dominant hand stationary. Palms face in toward you.
What is WINDOW?
Negotiating a Signing Environment (3 things)
Walk Through• Opt to go around if possible.
• Don't hunch to run through or wait for a go ahead.• Sign "excuse me".
Use Touch• Press someone's shoulder or upper back and they will move.• Avoid tapping.
Ask Person to Move• Press their shoulder to clear your line of sight.
Ask if I am ready for the test tomorrow in correct ASL grammar
eyebrow raise
In ASL, how do you identify individuals you can see? In the correct order.
Sign "SEE" 1) Gender, 2)Appearance (clothes, colors, hair, facial hair, shoes) 3) point/glance at them.
you can also add the body position or their action.
The fifth parameter of ASL signs.
What are Non-Manual Markers/Signals?
Both hands in "A' handshapes, dominant hand begins from slightly below the non-dominant hand. The movement is in a upward vertical direction.
What is the sign MOST?
A Deaf Space is a Deaf-friendly environment.
Structurally: • Open floor plans. • Seating arranged with easy lines of sight. • Mirrors strategically placed.
Technology:• Video phones • Web cams
• Flashing signals for doorbell, phone, or baby crying.
• Gallaudet made campus more Deaf-friendly.
What is a "Visual Way of Living"
Sign the following: I like shopping for clothes.
In correct ASL sign order and non-manuals.
head nod
• Only Deaf liberal arts university in the world.
• In Washington D.C.
• Signed by Abraham Lincoln to establish this College
• A Deaf Mecca.
What is Gallaudet University?