Any number as used in counting or used to show a particular number of items.
I have 2 dogs. (palm orientation facing you.)
What is a cardinal number in ASL?
Use it in a simple sentence.
People, places, and things
Ex: names- "Peggy"
What is fingerspelling used for?
First deaf girl in America to be educated in the use of sign language.
Who is Alice Cogswell? Speak your answer.
lights flashing
Using another person
Show how you get someone's attention.
Book/Open or Close
Window/Open or close
Door/Open or close
Lights/Turn on or off
Sign at all the Noun/Verb Pairs that you know.
21- use the index and thumb bends in and out
23- use the "3" handshape-middle finger bends
25-use the "5" handshape-palm out wiggle middle finger foward
What is the correct sign for the numbers: 21, 23, & 25,
Wave your hand over the area you incorrectly signed, shake your head no, and restart the fingerspelling.
What do you do if you incorrectly fingerspell something?
West Hartford, Connecticut
American School for the Deaf.
Where was the first school for the deaf established and what is the name of the school?
For both-
you tilt head forward slightly
eyebrows go up (for Yes/No) or down (for WH)
hold the last sign slightly
Ex:Do you have red shoes?
Ex: What is your name?
How do you produce a Yes/No question?
How do you produce a WH-question?
Show an example of both
The question was signed: Do you understand me?
Affirm: Yes, I understand (head nod)
Negate: No, I don't understand (head shake)
Give an example of an appropriate respond to a question if you are Affirming(agree) or negating (disagree)
100 (1 +C)
What is the correct way to sign 100?
Always use your dominant hand - the same hand you us to write.
Which hand do you use in fingerspelling?
Gallaudet was sent to France to learn sign language and bring it back to America. He traveled with Laurent Clerc, a deaf man from France who taught Gallaudet sign on the way back to America. Gallaudet established the first school for the deaf in America.
What was Thomas Gallaudet's role in the history of ASL? (speak your answer)
You look at the shape you are drawing.
Ex: Heart, with a number 7 inside.
When describing shapes, where does your eye gaze look?