Parameters for DRIVE
Parameters for what sign?
Handshape: both hands in an S
Location: in front
Palm Orientation: facing the signer
Movement: move both hands forward simultaneously
NMS: None
"EXCUSE-ME" is used for this
What is a phrase used for interrupting people?
General to specific
Handshape: flat O's to 5's
Location: forehead & in front of you
Palm Orientation: faces you
Movement: move hands forward, away from you
NMS: None
What are the parameters for INFORM?
Wave in their sightline, flicker the lights, tap their shoulder, stomp on the ground, tap on a surface in front of them
What are culturally appropriate ways to get a Deaf person's attention?
Parameters for POLITE
What is this sign?
Handshape: 5
Location: in front
Palm Orientation: facing the side
Movement: move slightly upwards while tapping the chest with the thumb ++
NMS: None
deaf with a lowercase "d"
How would someone with a pathological/medical perspective on deafness spell "deaf?"
At the end of a sentence
Where do negation signs typically go in a sentence?
Classifier for a person walking, a pencil on a desk, etc.
What is CL: 1?
The sign language that has heavily influenced ASL.
What is French Sign Language?
Parameters for FARM
What is this sign?
Handshape: 5
Location: mouth
Palm Orientation: facing the side
Movement: tap one side of mouth, then the other
NMS: None
Deaf with an uppercase "D"
How would someone with a cultural perspective on Deafness spell "deaf?"
Directional Verb
What kind of verb shows the subject and the object through movement?
Classifier for an animal or a chair
What is CL: Bent V?
Hearing American man, known for setting up the first Deaf school in the U.S.
Parameters for MESSY
What is the sign?
Handshape: 5's
Location: in front
Palm Orientation: dominant hand is down, non-dominant hand is up
Movement: flip/reverse the palm orientation of both hands
NMS: None
Use ASL to the best of your ability and avoid using spoken language
How should you communicate in a Deaf/signing environment?
Eye gaze and shoulder shifting
Which NMS do you need to role shift?
Handshape: ILY handshape OR 1, that changes to a Y.
Location: ear to in front
Movement: tap ear and move down
Palm orientation: facing non-dominant side
NMS: none
What are the parameters for CALIFORNIA?
90% of deaf children
What percentage of deaf children have hearing parents?
Parameters for SOME
What is this sign?
Handshape: Open B's / Flat Hands
Location: in front
Palm Orientation: non-dominant hand faces up, dominant hand faces the side
Movement: slide dominant hand down non-dominant palm one time
NMS: None
It can change over time. The first one you are assigned isn't necessarily the one you have for life.
What is a name sign?
The movement of a sign repeats
How do you show tendency/habit/frequently?
Handshape: dominant hand is an L, non-dominant hand is a flat hand
Location: in front of you
Palm Orientation: palms face each other
Movement: tap dominant hand onto non dominant palm one time
NMS: None
What are the parameters for PROHIBIT?
Something Deaf people do, is a big part of Deaf culture, can be perceived by some hearing people as "oversharing"
What is "keeping each other informed?"