What ASL sign means “you should” ?
What sign is often used before a request to make it more polite?
Name one ASL conjunction that means “but” or ”however”
What is an agreement verb in ASL?
A verb that moves from the subject to the object
ex.) Show, Ask, Help
What non-manual marker is used in ASL to indicate negation?
A headshake
What facial expression should you use when giving strong advice?
A serious or firm facial expression
What non manual marker is often used when making request?
Raised eyebrows or head tilt
What ASL conjunction can mean “because”?
How do you change the meaning of an agreement verbs?
Change the direction of movement between the subject and object
Ex.) show me show you
What is a common ASL sign used to negate a statement?
Not, None, Never, or No
What sign should you use first when suggesting advice?
What sign is typically used after asking for help?
Do you mind?
What conjunction is typically used when a mistake is made?
What is an example of an ASL agreement verbs that means “send”
How do you negate the sentence “I understand” in ASL?
Sign UNDERSTAND while shaking your head or sign NOT UNDERSTAND
Show the difference between Should, Need, and Must
Should your eyebrows be up or down when asking “Do you mind”?
What conjunction in ASL is used to show a sequence of events?
How you you sign “She ask me a question” ?
She Ask-Me
What is the correct order when using a negation?
(Topic, negation, location, time)
Time, location, topic, then negation
How would you sign “If I were you, I would study more?”
If me-you same, study more you should
Your flight got cancelled and now you need to buy a new ticket. Show how you would explain this situation and ask when the next flight is.
Sign the sentence: “I can help. First, I need to go to then store and then I can go to your house.”
I help you. First need to go store FINISH I can go your house
Sign the sentence: “James told me that you borrowed Stacy’s book”
James (point) Tell-Me Stacy (point) Her book you borrow from
How would you sign “I don’t have a car’ in ASL
Car none me OR Me have care none