True or false: American sign language is the same as English
False: American Sign Language is a completely different language.
Watching movies is difficult for Deaf individuals
It is simple for people to go with closed captioning
What is Fingerspelling used for?
People, Places and Brands
A Deaf person is trying to talk to you...
Stay calm, use ASL, or write things on your phone.
True or false: There are up to 300 different versions of sign language.
What technology makes you hear normally
None, hearing aids and cochlear implants only benefit hearing not make it perfect
American Sign Language is most popular is which two countries?
America and Canada
How to get a Deaf individual's attention?
Move into their sight line or tap them on the shoulder
August, September, October...
True or false: Tv and streaming services all have closed captioning
False: Streaming services have closed captioning because they were sued. Not all tv networks have closed captioning.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals only rely on lip reading
Not every person can lip read
Space in American Sign Language is used to...
To show contrast, time and distance
What not to do when trying to talk to Deaf individuals...
Do not flap your around like you know sign language
Colors of the Rainbow: Orange, Yellow, Green...
True or false: Any child of a deaf adult is known as a CODA.
False: a hearing child of a deaf adult is known as a CODA
What does a deaf or hard of hearing individual gain to drive a vehicle?
a driver's license
What percentage of Speech is seen on the lips?
What does the Deaf community do when they need to pass through a conversation?
Don't linger just walk through quickly and quietly
Summer, Fall, Winter...
True or false: Out of about 90% of the deaf population that had two hearing parents, 88% of them do not know sign language
CODAs are
Children Of Deaf Adults
American Sign Language is related to...
French Sign Language
What kinds of clothing are recommended while signing?
The opposite of your skin color will help your hands stand out.