a Deaf person's resume is called...
What is A to Z
how many ways are there to sign hello?
What is 2
do you move your mouth when signing who?
What is yes
'I am learning sign language' in gloss...
What is 'Sign-Language-Learn-Me'
sign learn...
how many ways are there to sign 'online'...
What is 2
sign slow...
What is no
'What is your name?' in gloss
What is 'Name-Your-What?'
sign who...
sign Grew up/raised...
sign understand...
sign from...
when signing 'Are you deaf or hearing', are your eyebrows up or down?
What is Eyebrows down
sign when...
sign Deaf...
sign please...
sign which...
'I'm fine' in gloss...
What is 'Me-fine'
sign hearing...
sign we/us...
sign thank you...
'Where did you grow up' in gloss...
What is 'You-Grow-Up-Where?'
sign again...