What WH word uses a L handshape?
What is Who.
What type of facial expression does WH-signs make in ASL?
What is eyebrows down.
Sign the phrase in ASL:
What is his name?
Sign numbers 11 - 19 in ASL.
Student shows the numbers in ASL.
List 2 signs that are located on the chin.
What is Favorite, Color, Restaurant, Who, Everyday, Tomorrow, plus many more.
Show 2 time signs that have the letter A handshape?
What is Yesterday, Tomorrow, Everyday.
What is the structure for an ASL sentence?
Sign the phrase in ASL:
My favorite food is pizza.
Student shows the phrase in correct ASL.
Sign your age in ASL.
Student signs answer in correct ASL.
Which parameter is similar and different for the signs HEARING & DEAF?
What is Location and Handshape.
What day of the week doesn't use a letter handshape?
What is Sunday?
What do you do with your eyebrows when asking a Yes/No Question?
What are eyebrows raised/up.
Sign the phrase in ASL:
I like the color purple. What color do you like?
Student shows the phrase in correct ASL.
What are the "flicking," numbers in ASL and show the signs.
What is 11, 12
Which parameter is different for the signs LIKE and WHITE
What is Handshape
What mode of transportation uses a bent V handshape?
What is lightrail.
What words are replaced with the concept of shoulder-shifting and give an example in ASL.
What is AND/OR.
Sign the phrase in ASL:
Are you Deaf or Hard of Hearing?
Student signs the phrase in correct ASL.
What are the two ways to sign numbers 23 and 25 in ASL?
Student shows the signs in correct ASL.
What is Palm Orientation and Handshape.
List 3 signs that have the letter T handshape and how are they signed?
What is Temple, Tuesday, Bathroom, Tan, Tutor.
List "be verbs" in ASL (state of being)
Sign the following sentence:
Student signs all farewells in ASL.
Sign numbers 1 - 10.
Student shows the numbers in correct ASL.
How many parameters are in ASL and why are they important? Give an example that supports your answer.
Location, Palm Orientation, Handshape, Facial Expressions, and Movement.