Early Life
Inspiring Qualities

Who is Her Father?

The Prophet's Best Friend, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq


Name some of her qualities

Generous, Resilient, Kind, Hardworking, Modest, Brave, Courageous, Intelligence, etc. Most of all she had strong Iman.


True or False?

She was Aisha's (RA) sister.


But, they are half-sisters


Was she the 15th, 16th or 17th person to accept Islam?

Trick question, she could've been 15th or 17th.


How was her generosity described by her son?

"I have not seen two women more generous than my aunt Aishah and my mother Asmaa... My mother, on the other hand, would not keep anything even for the morrow."


True or False?

She died before the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


She died long after Rasulullah had passed away.

About how old was she when she became a Muslim?

Around 11-years-old


Give an example of her intelligence.

When her grandfather came to give her money she didn't want to take it. So knowing he was blind, she wrapped pebbles in a cloth and made him feel it. He believed they had money and left.


True or False?

She took part in battles


She took part in the Battle of Yarmuk.


What happened when she was making Hijrah to Medina

She was pregnant, so on the way, her son was born.


Give an example of how she showed modesty.

When her son sent her an expensive dress from Iraq, she felt that dress and sent it back. She said that though it wasn’t transparent, it was tight fitting, which was not suitable for a Muslim woman to be wearing.


What was the nickname the Prophet (SAW) gave her?

(The Arabic or English, both is right)

Dhat an-Nitaqayn, which means “the One with the Two Waistbands”


Name her Husband and Son

Zubayr Ibn Al-Awwam (Husband) and Abdullah Ibn Zubayr (Son)


Give (at least) 2 examples of her bravery.

1. When she took part in the Battle of Yarmuk.

2. When Asma's son was going to war, she bravely told him that it would be better for him to be killed in his battle for preserving Islam and the truth than to surrender to his opponent. She even told him to take off his armour, knowing he'd probably die.

3. She stayed behind in Makkah with no money to protect the Prophet (SAW) and her father, Abu Bakr (RA)


How did she get her nickname, "the One with the Two Waistbands"?

When she went to deliver food to the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr, who were hiding in the Cave of Thawr. She ripped her own belt to tie up their food.