Technology & Writing
Stable Food Supply & Social Structure
Government & Religion
The Arts
Technology: These both have wheels.
What is a car and a cart?
Stable Food Supply: These both bring water to places.
What is a faucet and an irrigation system?
Government: They both pass laws, make decisions and collect taxes.
What is a similarity between our U.S. democracy and the king of Sumer?
Arts: A ____________ is like a guitar because they both have strings that you pluck to play.(Fill in blank.)
What is a lyre?
Writing: These two things are both used to write with.
What is a pencil and a stylus?
Stable Food Supply: A faucet brings water straight into your home through pipes but an irrigation system comes through dams and canals.
What is the difference between a faucet and an irrigation system?
Religion: A _______ is like a ziggurat because they both are places of worship.(Guess what the blank is.)
What is a church?
The Arts: A ______ is different from a lyre because a ______ you can change the key and the lyre you can't. (Fill in blank.)
What is a guitar?
Technology: A car is powered by a motor and a cart is powered by a wheel.
How is a car powered differently than a cart?
Social Structure: The people at the top of the U.S. social pyramid and Sumerian social pyramid both have wealth and power.
What is a similarity between the U.S. and Sumerian social pyramid?
Religion: Sumerians believed that their gods actually lived in the ziggurats. In churches, people generally do not believe that their god lives there.
What is a difference between a church and a ziggurat?
Writing: The Sumerians had to carve their writing into a clay tablet and they could not erase anything. Nowadays, pencils write with lead and have erasers.
What is the difference between a pencil and a stylus?
Social Structure: In Ancient Sumer the social pyramid is based on what _____ you have and in modern day U.S. it is based on money income. (Fill in blank)
What is the job you have?
Government: In our U.S. democracy the people have the right to vote. In Sumer the people didn’t get to vote.
What is a difference between our U.S. democracy and the king of Sumer?