1 way to improve your physical health
What is exercising for 30 minutes, participating in sports, playing outside for 60 minutes
When you need advice, you should do this
What is seeking help, and accepting help
Clear words, volume, pronunciation, and eye contact are all qualities of this
What is a good listener
This is throwing trash on the ground
What is littering
What are morals
You should be getting 8-10 hours of this to give you full focus and energy
This can happen if you do not value your mental health
What is depression and anxiety
What are not interrupting, eye contact, asking questions, answering questions, responding to the previous statement and not going off subject
You can do this in your home to improve your water quality and air quality
What is take shorter showers, reduce use of your AC and heat
A great way to slow down your brain and regain focus
What is meditation, yoga, exercise, reading, quiet time
Taking care of your body by washing, using deodorant, grooming, brushing your teeth
What is body hygiene?
When life events build up and cause you to lose focus, and it could effect your physical health
What is stress
Using an I-statement to explain your feelings can cause this
What is someone to respect you, listen to you, cooperate, compromise
These items can cause an unhealthy environment in your room
What is dirty clothes, old food and drink, dust, etc
Being able to pick whether something is right or wrong
These 6 food groups should be a part of your balanced diet
Grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, essential fats
What is anger or sadness
Arguments occur more with strangers than close family and friends
What is False- the people you see more and are more comfortable with may have more disagreements
This aspect of wellness when you share your room with a sibling
What is social wellness
An emotional health aspect that prevents you from following the crowd and keeping yourself safe
What is self-esteem and self-respect
Getting your COVID shot is a part of physical wellness
True- any doctors appointment that takes care of your physical body
You can do this to improve your social health
What is say hello to a friend, ask if someone is ok if you notice, doing a favor, giving a complement
How much money you can receive if you recycle a plastic or glass bottle at a recycling location
What is 5 cents?
You must regularly practice a religion to improve your spiritual wellness
What is False- spiritual wellness can be improved alone, in nature, in exercise, with friends or family, etc.