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Vive La Révolution!

This assassin was famously cornered and killed in a barn.

Who is John Wilkes Booth?


This rapper was shot in Las Vegas during a 1996 drive-by.

Who is Tupac?


This 20th-century South African leader, who fought against apartheid, was nearly assassinated in 1961 but survived the attempt.

Who is Nelson Mandela?


This playwright coined the phrase, “et tu, Brute?” in his play Julius Caesar.

Who is Shakespeare?


Rasputin’s assassination was a key moment in Russian history, occurring just months before this major political event that led to the fall of the Romanov dynasty.

What is the Russian Revolution?


This person rose to the role of president after the assassination of JFK.

Who is Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)?


This Beatles member was killed outside his hotel room.

Who is John Lennon?


King Louis XVI was the last monarch of this country before his death.

What is France?


This African country holds the first record of an assassination.

What is Egypt?


I’m This leader’s philosophy of nonviolent resistance later inspired American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


This US president had two attempts on his life, dying on the second.

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


Luigi Mangione suffered a debilitating injury to this body part.

What is Spine (Back).

This group assassinated South Vietnamese president Ngô Đình Diệm in 1963.

What are his own soldiers in a coup?


In 1559, Jean de Poltrot’s murder of King Henry II became the first instance of the modern definition of assassination, due to this motivation.

What is a political motivation?


After the death of Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky was defeated for leadership of the Soviet Union and later assassinated by the order of this man.

Who is Joseph Stalin?


This president lived 2 months post-assassination.

Who is James A. Garfield?


This rapper was shot in LA during a 1997 drive-by.

Who is The Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie Smalls)?


Osama bin Laden was found living in this South Asian country, despite years of speculation that he was hiding in Afghanistan.

What is Pakistan?


The organization known as the black hand pulled off this influential assassination.

What is the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?


Jean-Paul Marat, the debilitated French revolutionary, was medically confined to and later killed in this household location.

What is a medical bath (Bathtub)?


 This assassin evaded capture for 12 days, covering 70 miles, despite suffering a broken leg before being cornered in Virginia.

Who is John Wilkes Booth?


Actress Sharon Tate was murdered by this well-known cult in 1969.

Who is the Manson Family?


The Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (yit·zak ruh·been) played a key role in the Oslo Accords, which aimed to bring peace between Israel and Palestine. After his assassination by an Israeli extremist in 1995, his party was eventually replaced by which prime minister?

Who is Benjamin Netanyahu?


The assassination of Julius Caesar led to the downfall of this dynasty (country name).

What is the Ptolemaic (taa·luh·may·uhk) dynasty in Egypt?


This prominent member of the gay rights movement was assassinated in 1978.

Who is Harvey Milk?