Twelve Steps
The Big Book
Name That Page

This step is the only one of AA's twelve steps that mentions alcohol.

What is step one?


In this city, the first meeting between Bill W. and Dr. Bob took place.

What is Akron, Ohio?


There are this many editions of the Big Book.

What is four?


In this service position you represents the voice of your group at Area Assemblies.

What is GSR?


"It may seem incredible that these men are to become happy, respected, and useful once more. How can they rise out of such misery, bad repute and hopelessness? The practical answer is that since these things have happened among us, they can happen with you. Should you wish them above all else, and be willing to make use of our experience, we are sure they will come. The age of miracles is still with us. Our own recovery proves that!"

What is page 153?


The number of steps which contain the word God.

What is four?


AA members approaching new members for romance or dates is sometimes referred to as this.

What is thirteenth stepping?

The answer to all of my problems today, according to page 417.

What is acceptance?


Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic sharing these three things.

What is experience, strength, and hope?


"The great fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have had deep and effective spiritual experiences* which have revolutionized our whole attitude toward life, toward our fellows and toward God’s universe. The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous."

What is page 25?


In step four, we deal with this "number one offender".

What is resentment?


This colloquial term for the back row of a meeting is derived from a phrase in How It Works.

What is the half measures section?


We think this is the root of our trouble, according to page 62.

What is selfishness--self-centeredness?


The deposed founder and their friends divide into two classes. If spiritually fit, they become an elder statesman. Otherwise, they become this.

What is a bleeding deacon?


"Our behavior is as absurd and incomprehensible with respect to the first drink as that of an individual with a passion, say, for jay-walking."

What is page 37?


Selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear are what this step advises us to continue to watch for, according to the Big Book.

What is step ten?


Meetings are described in the Big Book in the chapter with this title.

What is A Vision For You?


The 12 steps are listed in the chapter with this title. 

What is How It Works?


New Mexico is part of the General Service Conference structure of AA as Area 46, one area out of this total number of delegate areas that the US and Canada are currently divided into.

What is 93?


"One school would allow man no flavor for his fare and the other would have us all on a straight pepper diet."

What is page 69?


This is the term we use for someone who has been through the 12 steps of AA and takes another alcoholic through the 12 steps of AA, a common practice in AA despite the fact that the term never occurs in the first 164 pages of the Big Book.

What is a sponsor?


This Cleveland resident who attends Oxford Group meetings in Akron, announces that he and other Clevelanders will be starting a group open only to alcoholics and their families; the first A.A. meeting in Cleveland was held in May 1939.

Who is Clarence S.?


Most people mark the "official" start of AA in 1935 when Dr. Bob took his last drink to steady his hand before surgery, but it was not until this year that the Book Book was officially published for the first time.

What is 1939?


The first 12 Step treatment center in the world, founded by Bill Wilson and Marty Mann in 1939.

What is High Watch Recovery Center?


"Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices. The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and weight. In nearly all cases, their ideals must be grounded in a power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their lives."

What is page XVII?