Fill in the missing word, There is _____________ (more/less) structure which results in a better learning environment with the set rules in place.
Student self esteem has __________ (increased/ decreased) with the Assertive Discipline method.
Rules are ________ (never/ always) in place?
Corrective actions should be viewed as _________( teacher, student, parent) choice?
When being an assertive teacher, you must react _______ ( appropriately, slowly, quickly) to misbehavior?
What type of behavior is taught to be expected and rewarded?
Positive behavior
Besides the students having to adapt to the teacher requirements who else has to adapt as well? (Other teachers, parents, random people)
Which of the two statements follows the Assertive Discipline model. “ Be Respectful to your peers.” or “ No running”
“ No running”
When using corrective actions it is extremely important that they are_______ (descriptive, clear, simple)?
An assertive teacher always holds ________ expectations.
Finish this statement, One of the pro’s for assertive discipline, “ The teacher has a productive class with fewer __________.
With the assertive discipline model it claims that if a student misbehaves, it as if it is the students fault. Who else could be at fault?
Classroom rules are observable meaning there is no room for ____________?
When using corrective actions it is important to know that the actions do not have to be___________?
What are the names of your Game Show Host?
Drew, Madi, Sam
Why might you find Assertive Discipline in a classroom?
Easy to learn and easy to implement
The self esteem of students has often decreased with the Assertive Discipline method because of teachers having_________.
Too much control
A classroom following the Assertive Discipline model should ________ and _________ rules in place?
Clear and Direct
What is the last step that you should use as a corrective action?
Sending student to the principal (removing student from class
When using assertive discipline, it’s important to use positive reinforcement, what are some ways to show the positive reinforcement?
Personal attention, special awards, quick phone calls or emails to parents, special privileges
Name one way you could use assertive discipline in your classroom?
Answers may vary
Why is there some question about the effectiveness in the classroom on how Assertive Discipline works?
There is no true study that has investigated its effectiveness.
Rewards and Consequences
The corrective actions should be listed in a discipline hierarchy? Give a sample of three steps you might follow?
1- Warning, 2- minor corrective action 3- increase corrective action 4- call parents 5- send to principal
answers may vary
The positive influences teachers can exert their students behaviors