When does AEP occur every year for Humana?
10/15 to 12/7
Letters will become viewable in EMME after how many days?
2 days
What screen do you find your pend error code on?
What work type does not require any updates to the CITR screen?
CMS Error or Preprocessors
What Mentor document can the Current Calendar Month (CCM) be found?
Using the Transmission (Taped Date) Matrix
This screen is used to create a task in CI:
What is the source used to obtain a member’s LIS data?
CMS Error Preprocessor Cases involve processing
Acceptance transaction replies
Where can the tracking ID number be located?
TRR Template
Where can you obtain the Letter Tracking ID?
TRR Template - Letter Track ID
What CI screen displays the Agent?
Which screen do we manually key a members enrollment into CI from scratch?
What is the turnaround time for Humana to submit 4Rx info to CMS?
72 hours
An Enrollment transaction will have what transaction code?
When Cancelling (nulling) or Disenrolling (terming) a member’s plan you are attempting to do what to the member’s plan?
Where can you obtain the Letter Tracking ID?
TRR Template - Letter Track ID
Which screen tells you what type of plan the member has?
What does CRD stand for?
Category, Reason, Disposition
What work type does not require any updates to the CITR screen?
CMS Error or Preprocessors
What screen in CI will need to be updated when adding a term date to a member’s plan?
What type of plan does not require 4Rx submission?
A termination requested prior to the plan's effective date is called a ___________.
Cancellation of Enrollment
What is the first step to perform when resolving replies?
Anytime the member is being reviewed for a case what transmit status must CI be updated to?
What Mentor document is used when determining what End Reason Code to use?
Determining the Correct ERC