David and his best friend
Love and Respect
The Greatest Love

Why did King Saul want to Kill David?

Because he was Jealous of David and thought people would want him to be the next king.


Jesus demonstrated His love in many ways, but this specific act is considered the greatest expression of His love for humanity.

dying on the cross for our sins


Who loves us the most?



What was the single Jonathan gave to David to warn him about King Saul wanting to kill him?

David was hiding behind a rock, Jonathan was shooting arrows and if he shot the arrows ahead of the boy who was helping him get the arrows back and say " go far away and go quickly" that meant that David should run away and that King Saul is actually trying to kill him.


The Bible teaches us to honor our parents, even in difficult times. What are some actions or attitudes that demonstrate this respect?

obeying them, speaking kindly, and showing gratitude


What is sin?

Anything bad we do that doesn’t make God happy and makes him sad. 


How did David survive this long without getting hurt? 

Because David was with God and God was with him and protected him


Jesus calls us to love our friends in ways that mirror His teachings. What are some ways we can show love that reflect His example?

being kind, forgiving, and putting their needs above our own


How did God love Joseph?

Even when his brothers were mean and sold him as a slave, God was with him and helped him stay strong. God helped him become a powerful leader in Egypt.


What did Jonathan give to David as a sign of their friendship?

his armor shield and sword as a sign of their friendship


In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus illustrates how we should treat strangers. What is a practical way we can apply this lesson in our daily lives?

helping someone in need, even if it is inconvenient for us.


How did God love Noah?

Noah was a righteous man who God loved very much and God was with him and he saved him from the flood


What is a good lesson we can learn from the friendship David and Jonathan had? 

True Love,friendship, loyalty and keeping our promises to protect our friends.


God’s house is a sacred space. What are some specific ways we can show love and respect to both the church building and its community? Also, what's way girls show respect in church?

Participating in worship, serving others, and cleaning and taking care of the church. Also, girls wear asharb during church services.


How did God love Moses?

God loved Moses by guiding him, speaking to him face-to-face, and empowering him to lead His people with signs and miracles.