Chapter 23:Using Technology to Help Make Assessment Decisions
Chapter 13: Diagnostic Mathematics Measures
Chapter 5: Technical Adequacy
This web-based assessment tool is administered and scored by the educator for the purpose of progress monitoring.
What is AIMSweb
The reason we use diagnostic testing in mathematics
What is identifying specific strengths and weaknesses in skill development?
Having results that are accurate representations of what they claim to measure.
What is validity?
This advance in technology as made scoring and determining student's strengths and weaknesses much more efficient.
What is computer programming
Provide two examples of content and processes standards by diagnostic mathematics tests.
What is any of the following for content: number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability. Any of the following for process: problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.
The ratio of true-score variance to obtained-score variance. A result of 1 would be ideal.
What is the Reliability Coefficient?
This creates individualized goals for students in need of intervention.
What is the goal-setting wizard
What is the distinction between assessment of mathematics content and assessment of mathematics process?
What is explicitly describing the content that should be learned vs. showing how students should acquire their knowledge
Having similar results regardless of the examiner.
What is Interobserver Agreement or Reliability?
This normed-based assessment tool can assess student's present levels in reading or in math and continuously adapts the difficulty levels to student's responses.
What is STAR math and STAR reading
At what tier are diagnostic tests usually used and why?
What is tiers 2 and 3? Because diagnostic testing is specific, providing more depth and a detailed assessment of skill development within specific areas.
The average standard deviation of error distributed around a person's true score.
What is Standard Error of Measurement?
This term refers to a combination of information about a student's current levels and what they are expected to learn in a given number of days.
What is rate of learning
What did the National Mathematics Advisory Panel observe about match (math?) achievement and recommend doing?
What is clear evidence that math achievement is enhanced significantly when teachers monitor student progress? They recommended that all mathematics instruction be accompanied by ongoing monitoring of student progress toward objectives.
Three of the five types of evidence often considered when determining if a test is valid.
What is What is evidence based on: test content, internal structure, relations to other variables, consequences of testing, response processes? (any three of these responses)