Language proficiency
Teaching ELLs
These are the social skills that typically are learned in one-two years. When you hear your student talking to friends in the halls, on the playground and informally in class,
What is BICS?
Tests that show classroom learning and what needs to be taught and/or retaught.
What is formative testing?
Speaking, listening, reading and writing.
What are the four domains related to testing language proficiency?
a period when the English language learner listens but doesn’t speak in English; he or she may refuse to speak English.
What is the silent period?
Tests that show classroom learning and what needs to be taught and/or retaught.
What is formative assessment?
This is the language of texts, of your classroom instruction. This language is typically learned in 5-7 years. Difficult syntax, abstract terms, and content vocabulary.
What is CALP?
Tests that give results at end of period, such as a year of class.
What is summative testing?
Level 1: Entering Level 2: Beginning Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging Level 6: Reaching
What are the stages of English language proficiency in Pennsylvania schools?
To understand what we read or hear, we use our background knowledge and familiarity with the events/situation to help us comprehend.
What is schema?
Tests that give results at end of period, such as a year of class or final exam.
What is summative assessment?
Persons whose home language is other than English.
What is a PHLOTE?
The degree to which an assessment yields consistent results.
What is the reliability of an assessment?
Ability to hear and identify the sounds in words.
What is phonemic awareness?
These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs.
What are the Common Core standards?
Test result typically given as one number to indicate performance along a range from beginner to proficient.
What is holistic scoring?
Free appropriate public education
What is FAPE?
This measures whether or not an assessment is an adequate measure of the curriculum/skill/achievement it purports to measure.
What is the validity of an assessment?
They reduce language demands by providing help to ELLs during assessment and instruction. Examples of these techniques are projects, visual displays such as graphic organizers, organized lists, word banks, and/or tables or graphs.
What are scaffolding and support techniques for ELLs?
Teachers make change to standardized testing conditions that are intended to make the test more fair and accessible for an individual or subgroup that does NOT change the construct being measured. Example may be allowing more time.
What are accommodations?
Test results with a separate number given for a variety of areas such as fluency, comprehension, mechanics and grammar.
What is analytic scoring?