Why is play important?
-best vehicle for assessing and observing planning (executive function)
-cognitive symbolic abilities likely underly symbolic play and language development
-specific relationships between language and cognition that occur at certain points in development that we observed through play
-provides insight into particular aspects of child's conceptual and imaginative abilities
What is the exploratory stage?
integrating the objects into its sensory motor schema, manipulate objects by mouthing, banging etc
What is the Carpenter's Play Scale used for?
-designed to assess symbolic behavior in non verbal children
-useful for nonverbal toddlers and older children at the emerging language stage
Stage 1:
age: 9-12 months
Play: awareness that objects exist
Language: may have performative words, exhibits communicative functions i.e joint attention
Ages: by 2.5 years
Play: begins to represent events less frequently observed like going to the ER
Language: responds appropriately to wh- questions in context, asks wh- questions
What is the formal play assessment?
CSBS has scale for evaluating object use
What is the nonfunctional stage
experimental manipulation of objects in non functional way i.e. stacking, lining up
What do you do in the Carpenter's play scale?
-parents asked to play w/ child by engaging in four play scenes
-parents asked to follow child's lead
Stage 2:
Ages: 15-17 months
Play: purposeful exploration of toys, discovers operation of toys such as levers
Language: uses context dependent single words
Stage 7:
Ages: by 3 years
Play: compensatory play, associative play, relates several schemas to one another
Language: uses past tense and future
What do play scales do for assessment?
Evaluate level of play in contexts of free and structured play
What is the functional stage?
pretend to use objects for typical functions i.e. phone to ear
What is the McCune Play Scale used for?
-provides a detailed method of analyzing play behavior
Stage 3:
Ages: 17-19 months
Play: uses lifelike probs to participate in everyday activities, auto symbolic play
Language: words have variety of functional and semantic roles
Stage 8:
Ages: by 3.5 years
Play: uses replica toys, one object to represent another, themes include familiar fantasy
Language: uses modals, uses conjunctions
What is the symbolic phase?
what do you do in the McCune Play Scale
children are given standard set of toys and invited to play with familiar adult
-behaviors are ordered hierarchically: child's current level of symbolic behavior that they exhibit spontaneously then the emerging level of symbolic play the child models the next level to see where to start
Stage 4:
Ages: by 22 months
Play: combines two actions in pretending but still in single schema
Language: beginning of word combination with semantic relations
Stage 9:
Ages: by 4 years
Play: planned play events with cause and effect sequence, uses imaginary props
Language: verbalizes intentions and possible future events
What is the dramatic phase?
use words and or probs to create a scene and invite peers to join
What does the Westby Play Scale do?
relates play to language
Stage 5:
Ages: by 24 months
Play: child re-presents daily experiences, elaborates schemas by adding details with associated items
Language: Morphological markers appear, uses earlier pragmatic functions and semantic relations in phrases
Stage 10:
Ages: by 6 years
Play: multiple planned sequences, full cooperative play
Language: uses subordinate clauses to relate two or more prepositions, uses time relational language