A test that is used for kindergarten and first grades to check their readiness. (TKFGRS)
What is the Test for Kindergarten/First Grade Readiness Skills?
He developed the statistical techniques for computing the normal curve, correlation, and regression. He also wrote a book titled "Hereditary Genius and Inquiries Into Human Faculty and Its Development" in 1883.
Who is Sir Francis Galton?
A normal distribution graph is also know as this.
What is a bell curve?
The score that occurs most frequently in a distribution.
What is the mode?
Having two adaptive skill deficits and 70 or below as an IQ
What is mental retardation?
A test used to help psychologists make valid comparisons between intellectual and academic functioning. (WRIT)
What is the Wide Range Intelligence Test?
He furthered the work of Francis Galton by refining instruments to measure human intelligence. He basically came up with something to measure reasoning and resulted in a "mental age" score.
Who is Alfred Binet?
When the scores are clustered at the high end of the scale, distributions are this.
What is negatively skewed?
The difference between the highest and the lowest scores in a data set.
What is the range?
Below average IQ and a deficit in an academic skill area.
What is learning disability?
A test to measure gifted and talented students. (GATES)
What is the Gifted And Talented Educational Services?
He was the director of research at the Vineland Training Scholl in New Jersey. He translated Binet's test into an English version and promoted a more general application of the test's scale. He perceived intelligence as a single, innate entity that remained constant over time.
Who is H. H. Goddard?
When the scores are crowded at the low end or left side of the scale it is this.
What is a positively skewed distribution?
The best statistic to use to determine the mathematical variation, or the amount of dispersion, amoung the scores in relation to the mean of a distribution.
What is the standard deviation?
Having an IQ of 130 or above OR have an IQ high enough to meet your school's standards.
What is gifted and talented?
A standardized test for college admissions. (SAT)
What is the Scholastic Aptitude Test?
He moved standardized intelligence testing to the forefront of psychology and education. He revised Binet's intelligence test to waht became the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test.
Who is Lewis Terman?
The arithmetic average of a set of scores.
What is the mean?
Comparisons amoung the units within a set of data, which could be a set of test scores. An individual's test score is viewed in terms of how it compares with the other test scores.
What is norm-referenced data or testing?
A person with an impairment in social interaction skills as well as trouble in communication.
What is autism?
A test with over 20 subtests and tests reasoning ability and abstract thinking of student of all ages. (OLSAT)
What is the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test?
He is known as the world's first educational psychologist and was vital in creting structure in the educational measurement field.
Who is Edward L. Thorndike?
The value that divides a set of scores into equal halves.
What is the median?
The resulting value is the average of the squares of the deviation and it is used to explain how scores are differeent from one another.
What is the variance?
A behavior that causes anxiety for the person with it and it also causes a repetition of behavior or thoughts.