What is Orion?
Two of a kind are fun and games, this constellation depicts two people fused together holding hands
What is Gemini?
Looks similar to Pisces and a character in Harry Potter, this long, slithery buddy can't harm you while in the sky.
What is Draco?
Also known as the Northern Star, this star can be seen as the brightest in the Northern Hemisphere.
What is Polaris?
Our feathered friend without a landing gear, this constellations name comes from the Greek word translating into "Without Feet". It contains a bright orange star named Alpha Apodis.
What is Apus?
The swan seen from Summer to Fall, this constellation comes from a heroic man who saved his friend from downing and was honored by being placed into the sky by Zeus.
What is Cygnus?
Second largest after Hydra, it is the biggest constellation in the Zodiac family. It represents "The Maiden"
What is Virgo?
Similar to its big brother, this constellation's tail is turned upwards and away from its head.
What is Ursa Minor?
Doomed to go supernova any day now, this star is nearing the end of its life in the armpit of this famous constellation.
What is Betelgeuse?
Same breed but missing an arrow, this constellation is related to its brother, Sagittarius and contains the stars, Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri, and HR 5171.
What is Centaurus?
Visiting in the winter months with the best views in January, This is the greater of the two loyal pets who belong to "The Hunter"
What is Canis Major?
What is Aries
This constellation is shaped like a house or a box with a triangle on top and named after a Greek Mythological king of Ethiopia
What is Cepheus?
Known as "The Dog Star", it is considered to be one of the brightest in the sky. There is also a famous character from the popular franchise, Harry Potter, named after this star.
What is Sirius?
"The Dolphinfish", or "Swordfish", was created by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius and is home to the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Tarantula Nebula.
What is Dorado?
What is Pegasus?
One of the most rare signs, this constellation depicts a water jug and their carrier, man or women, people cannot agree on.
What is Aquarius?
Bigger than its brother, this constellation's tail is turned downwards and has an unknown head and feet.
What is Ursa Major?
Mentioned on this game before, this star is apart of a simple constellation and is also known as Alpha Arietis. It is also shares the same name as a actor Rajesh and a beef jerky brand.
What is Hamal?
Featured on the flags of Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Samoa, this constellation comes from the Latin word Cross and is the smallest out of all 88 constellations.
What is Crux?
Coming from Greek mythology, this constellation represents the chained princess and is visible in August to February
What is Andromeda?
The Archer with more legs than arms, it can be seen in in August and scientists and people alike all had a difficult time deciding what the proper "simplified" version of the constellation
What is Sagittarius?
Looks like a W but really is just a vain woman on a rock.
What is Cassiopeia?
Closest to us and nearing the end, we use this star's tantrums to figure out how it is doing and how healthy it is.
What is the Sun?
Meaning "The Crane", this is one of the 12 constellations created by Dutch astronomers in the late 16 century and is bordered by Piscis, Austrinus, Phoenix, Tucana, and Sculptor.
What is Grus?