Solar System
What is the only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt.
100 light years across
What is the length of the Milky Way Galaxy?
What is the largest known star?
Olympus Mons
What is the largest mountain/volcano in the solar system?
Because of supernovas.
Why does the center of the Milky Way Galaxy look light?
Red dwarf star
What is the smallest star type?
The 4th planet from the sun.
What is Mars?
Sagittarius A
What is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way?
The farthest object orbiting the sunEris
The closest Galaxy to the Milky Way
It would take 5.5 hours to reach Pluto.
How long would it take for light from the sun to reach Pluto?
Orion's belt
Where is the Solar System located in the Milky Way Galaxy?