Often called a dwarf planet, this name is used
The man who said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
Niel Alden Armstrong
This is the number of Astrology signs often calling them "houses"
The man who starred in "Interstellar"
Matthew McCounhegy
This great wave resulted from an earthquake, its name originating from Japan
This Celestial body is called "Zeus" in Greek mythology
Founder of NASA
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The two most hated Astrology signs
Gemini and Scorpio
Based on the 2011 Novel by Andy Wier, this is the name of the star
Matt Damon
While having two total layers, these layer's name also refers to an act of putting up something
When a star runs out of fuel this occurs
A Red Giant forms
The name of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Spirit Rover
Most common Astrology sign
While "Amy Farrah Fowler" in the Big Bang Theory is a scientist, her real-life actress is also one
Mayim Bialik.
While most think Oxygen makes up the Earth's atmosphere it's actually this
This process happens when a sun implodes under its own gravity, heat source, and core
The number of manned space missions launched by NASA
The word "Zodiac" refers to this its another name
Circle of Little Animals
Staring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney this movie shows a very real threat to astronauts
This month is when the Earth is nearest to the Sun
Excluding the sun, the closest star to Earth is
Proxima Centauri i.e., Alpha Centuri
The first satellite launched specifically for the purpose of X-ray astronomy.
Uhuru satellite
This Star Sign is known as the "Youngest Sign" amongst the others
Based on a real group of African-American women in the 1960s this is the movie stars' name
Taraji P. Henson Octavia Spencer Janelle Monáe
Of the ten strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the world, three have occurred in