What year did we land on the moon?
What is the moon's surface covered in?
Why are black holes "black"?
Because no light can escape
Baby stars are called...?
A giant storm
How long does it take light from the sun to reach Earth?
8 minutes
Why does the moon have so many craters?
Impacts caused through protecting the Earth from asteroids.
What creates a black hole?
A dying high-mass star
Where are stars born?
Stellar nurseries
What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
Who was the second man to land on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin
What is the name of the spacecraft humans landed on the moon?
Apollo 11
Black holes warp the fabric of...?
Space time
What is the true color of the Sun?
Which planet has the most moons?
What type of Galaxy is the Milky Way?
Spiral Galaxy
What happens during a lunar eclipse?
Earth blocks light from reaching the moon, causing it to get red shifted and make the moon look red.
What are the black holes at the center of galaxies called?
Supermassive black holes
What is a neutron star?
A highly dense, quickly spinning star core made of neutrons
In what year did Pluto get demoted to a dwarf planet?
What is the asteroid belt past Pluto called?
The Kuiper belt
How much weaker is the moon's gravity compared to Earth?
What is the glowing ring around a large black hole?
The accretion disk
What happens at the end of the lifespan of a low-mass star?
They excrete their outsides and become a white dwarf
Rouge Planets