The Sun!
Famous Stars
And Astronauts
This planet is the "3'rd rock from the sun". It has a large amount of water on its surface and is the only planet that currently has conditions which sustain life as we know it.
What is Earth?
These are dark areas on the sun's surface.
What are sunspots?
TRUE or FALSE: Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer who first used a telescope and saw 16 moons orbiting the planet Jupiter.
What is True?
Scientist at NASA have sent these robots to explore Mars. They drive around the surface to take pictures and send them back to Earth.
What are rovers.
This is a non-contact force that acts on objects. If two objects are placed in space, they will be drawn towards each other by this force.
What is gravity?
Small and recently re-classified as a dwarf planet, this is the littlest planet found furthest out in our solar system.
What is Pluto?
The sun, and all bodies that orbit around it form this.
What is the solar system?
This astronomer proposed the idea that the sun is at the center of the universe
Who is Nicholas Copernicus?
TRUE or FALSE: Only 1 astronaut has walked on the Earth's moon.
What is False? 12 astronauts have walked the moon.
This is a small, orbiting body made up of dust, ice, and frozen gases. The solid center of this is its nucleus, and like all objects in the solar system it orbits the sun.
What is a comet?
This is the largest planet in the solar system.
What is Jupiter?
All objects in the solar system travel around the sun in this kind of orbit that is not circular, but more oval shaped.
What is elliptical orbit?
This comet was first seen by an astronomer who predicted its observation in the sky every 76 years.
What is the Halley Comet?
Humans on Earth use cars to move around. Astronauts take this type of vehicle to travel great distances into space.
What is a space shuttle?
This is a HUGE system of gas, dust, and stars. Our solar system is found at one of the far edges of it. Also named for this type of chocolate.
What is the Milky Way Galaxy?
This is known as the red planet, and has shown evidence that it may have had microscopic life on it long ago.
What is Mars?
This is the innermost part of the sun where it's energy is generated.
What is the core?
This modern scientist thought of a simple explanation of how gravity worked in the universe. He also once wrote, "We don’t accomplish things by just thinking. We accomplish things by doing."
Who is Albert Einstein?
Which planet has astronauts walked on.
What is Earth?
This fortress orbiting the earth is where many astronauts and researchers live. It was built by the efforts combined by many countries around the world and often has space shuttles dock with it to drop off supplies and exchange crew members. A.k.a ISS
What is the International Space Station?
This is the 8th planet from the Sun, and is made of mostly hyrdrogen, helium, and methane gas.
What is Neptune?
The distance between the sun and planet Earth is about this many miles.
What is 93 million miles?
This astronomer believed that the planets did not move in perfect circles, but instead in elliptical paths resembling ovals.
Who is Johann Kepler?
Who were the first two people to walk on the moon?
Who is Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin?
This planet takes 163 Earth years (365 days = 1 Earth year) to orbit around the sun once!
What is Neptune?