The place on Earth that receives the most direct sunlight.
What is the equator?
If we are facing away from the sun.
What is night?
A lunar eclipse is this.
What is the Earth coming directly in between the moon and the sun and casting a shadow on the moon?
Name the four types of tides.
What are the high, low, spring, and neap tides?
First the new moon and this.
What is waxing crescent?
If it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is this in the southern hemisphere.
What is winter?
If we are facing towards the sun.
What is day?
A solar eclipse is this.
What is the moon coming between the Earth and the sun and casting a shadow on Earth?
The positioning of the moon and sun during a neap tide.
What is the moon forming a right angle with the sun?
There are two types of gibbous'. State them.
What are waxing and waning gibbous?
If it's spring in the northern hemisphere, it is this in the southern hemisphere.
What is fall or autumn?
The summer solstice.
What is June 21st?
The penumbra is this.
What is the space that is not as dark as the umbra?
The cause of a spring tide.
What is the sun, moon, and Earth in a straight line?
If the light is on the right.
What is waxing?
The tilt of Earth's axis.
What is 23.5 degrees?
The vernal equinox.
What is March 21st?
An eclipse is this.
What is an object casting a shadow on another object?
The other object that contributes to tides.
What is the sun?
If the light is on the left.
What is waning?
Seasons occur because of this.
What is the tilt of Earth's axis as it revolves around the sun?
Equinox means this.
What is "equal night"?
The umbra is this.
What is the darkest part of the object's shadow?
The cause of tides.
What is the differences in how much the moon's gravity pulls on the different places on Earth?
State all of the phases of the moon in order.
What is a new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent?