This is the distance the earth is from the sun.
What is 93 million miles?
The large, dark plains on the Moon.
What is Maria?
This planet is the largest in the Solar System.
What is Jupiter?
This star is the closest to Earth.
What is the Sun?
The region in space with gravity so strong that not even light can escape.
What is a black hole?
This planet is closest to the Sun.
What is Mercury?
This is what causes the Moon to appear in different shapes throughout the month.
What is moon phases?
This is the smallest planet in our Solar System.
What is Mercury?
Name 2 Constellations.
(Double Points)
What are Orion and Ursa Major?
The largest system if stars, gas and dust bound together by gravity.
What is a galaxy?
These are the layers of the sun from the center out.
What are the core, the radiative zone, and convection zone?
This is how a lunar eclipse happens.
What is Earth's shadow falling on the moon?
What is Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?
These are the stages in a star's life cycle.
What are protostar, main sequence, red giant and white dwarf?
The name of the galaxy closest to the Milky Way.
What is Andromeda Galaxy?
These are the darker, cooler areas on the Sun's surface.
What are sunspots?
The gravity of the Moon effects this on earth.
What are the tides?
This planet has the hottest surface temperature.
What is Venus?
This is the definition of a red giant.
What is a star in the later stage of its life that expands and cools?
This is the definition of Astronomy.
What is the branch of science that deals with the physical universe beyond earths atmosphere?
The time it takes sunlight to reach the Earth.
What is 8min and 20sec?
This time it takes for the moon to orbit the earth.
What is 27.3 days?
Callisto is the name of a moon orbiting this planet in our solar system.
What is Jupiter?
The hottest color of a star.
What is blue?
This is the name of NASA's famous space telescope.
What is the Hubble Telescope?