Issac Newton
Albert Eienstin
The Universal Law of Gravitation
Ellipse Problems

He discovered four new planets, which were actually four moons of this Planet.

What is Jupiter?


Issac Newton grew up on this type of abode, but preferred math and science over outside chores.

What is a farm?


He explained gravity in terms of the curvature of this.

What is spacetime?


6.67 x 10^-11 is known as they ______ and symbolized by this letter.

What is the gravitational constant and G


The distance between the two foci of an ellipse is labeled by this letter.

What is the letter c?


This scientists wrote virtually unknown, long, complex books requiring expert knowledge, while Galileo wrote for diverse audiences using daily language and rhetoric to publicize his work as much as possible

Who was Kepler?


Issac Newton attended this college.

What is trinity College of Cambridge.


Expanded the idea of gravitation to even include these types of objects? 

What are massless objects?

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation says that every particle in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is proportional to this.

What are the product of the objects' masses?

The letter a symbolizes this axis and is defined as the length of the long diameter.

What is the major axis?


Galileo could observe sun spots with his telescope and concluded this about the sun.

The sun is imperfect and rotating.


Issac Newton was born on this date in 1642?

What is Christmas Day?

Demonstrated this theory on gravitation to be true by looking at these during what event?

What are Stars during a solar Eclipse?


Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation says that every particle in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is inversely proportional to this.

What is the square of the distances between the two objects?


This is the equation for eccentricity?

What is e = c/a?


Galileo saw that the Milky Way was not a single band of light but this.

Thousands of distinct stars.


Issac Newton made his most important discoveries while is college was closed due to this illness.

What was the Black Plague.


Einstein called his work that included gravity this?

What is his general theory of relativity?


G is the gravitational constant quantified by this person using a torsion balance.

Who was Henry Cavendish? 


This is the distance between the sun and the closest point of approach.

What is Perihelion?


The phases of this planet, observed by Galileo, greatly weakened the Ptolemaic theory of the universe.

What is Venus?


Name 3 of Newton's most impactful discoveries?

What are: Binomial Theorem, differential calculus, light and optics theory, first two laws of motion, law of gravitation and an equation for centripetal acceleration.


Einstein concluded that gravity was an effect of this, rather than a pulling force.

What is geometry.


This is the equation developed by Issac Newton defining his Universal Law of Gravitation.


This is the distance between the sun and the farthest point of approach.

What is Aphelion?