It's Science!
The Tides Have Turned
Oh, Mr. Moon...
Gravity of the Situation
You're a Star...Sort of... and other various stuff...
What are the five steps of the scientific method?
1. Recognize the problem 2. Form a hypothesis 3. Create an experiment 4. Perform the experiment 5. Draw conclusions and communicate
How many tides do we experience a day and what do we call them?
4 tides, 2 high and 2 low
True or false: waxing means "to grow"
True or False: All objects fall at different rates on Earth.
False! All objects fall at the same rate which is 9.8 m/s2.
List the star stages in order.
Nebula Protostar Main Sequence Red Giant White Dwarf Black Dwarf
What step of the scientific method do you gather data?
Perform the experiment
What's another name for the high and low tides?
High tides are flood tides and low tides are ebb tides.
Summer solstice and Winter solstice experience how many hours or daylight and darkness?
more light than dark on the summer solstice day and more dark than light on the winter solstice day
What is gravity?
The force that exists between objects that have mass.
DAILY DOUBLE!!! This question is worth 200 points. You can bet up to 600 points, so you may double or triple this questions points. But be careful. If you answer incorrectly, you could go into the negative amounts!
Draw the water cycle and label it correctly and COMPLETELY!
1. What does it mean to make "observations" and "inferences"? Explain the step of the scientific method this happens in and what the difference is between them.
Observations mean to use your senses to gather information and inferences are drawing conclusions from those observations. This all happens during the first step of the scientific method which is "recognize the problem."
Tell whether the tide is strong or weak and what moon phase the tides occur during.
Spring tides are strong and happen during new moons or full moons. Neap tides are weak and happen during quarter moons.
How many moon phases are there in a cycle?
Approximately 29 days.
Which celestial body has has most gravity? Why? A) The moon B) The Sun C) Jupiter D) Earth
B) The Sun because it has the most mass!
What is a tide EXACTLY?
A periodic rise and fall of large bodies of water. (Be prepared to plot a small amount of tidal data on your upcoming Opportunity!)
What's an independent variable and dependent variable. Provide and example.
Independent variable- a variable we choose (input) Dependent variable- a variable whose value changes in response to another (independent) variable (output) (we measure this!) Example: Jess runs (m) miles and burns (c) calories
Draw a picture or arrange your groups to show a "spring tide" and a "neap" tide.
Spring: (Moon) (Earth) (Moon) (Sun) Neap: (Moon) (Earth) (Sun) (Moon)
What's an equinox and during what seasons do they occur?
equinox means equal parts daylight and darkness (so 12 and 12) and we experience them during Fall (Autumnal) and Spring (Vernal)
Which item will hit the ground first on the EARTH? Which item will hit the ground first on the MOON? WHY??? Feather Sasquatch
On Earth: Sasquatch On the Moon: They will land at the same time. Why? Because the Earth has an atmosphere with air resistance and the Moon does not.
What's the difference between mass and weight? Compare how they are affected on different celestial bodies.
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is how much gravity it takes to pull that object down to the Earth. Mass doesn't change from celestial body to celestial body. Weight can, depending on the amount of gravity the celestial body has.
What is a control variable?
The control variable is the experiment you are doing that's already been done before and that you can compare your own results back to it. It's like a guideline.
If Myrtle Beach is having a high tide what will the opposite side of the world be experiencing? Why?
A high tide, because of earth's spinning, gravity and centrifugal forces, the water bulges out wherever the moon is located and on the other side of the world from the moon also.
Why do we always see the same side of the moon?
It is rotating and revolving at the same speed as we are.
Compare the gravity of the Earth and the Moon.
The Earth has stronger gravity than the Moon. The Moon has 1/6 or 17% the amount of gravity the Earth does. This is due to the fact that the Earth has more mass than the moon.
What are Newton's Three Laws of Motion and provide examples of each.
1. An object in motion (or at rest) tends to stay in motion (or at rest) until acted on by an outside force. EX.: a soccer ball rolling down a hill into a goal 2. An object acted on by a force will accelerate in the direction of that force EX.: kicking a soccer ball 3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction EX.: jumping off a diving board into water (the board pushes you as your body weight pushes back on it, you move the water out of your way when landing, the water splashes up around you to make room)