What's the only planet in our system that is NOT named after a god?
true or false: the universe is expanding
What "E" astronomical event, during which the moon blocks Earth's sunlight, can also affect the flight patterns of certain birds?
What are storms produced by the sun called?
Solar Storms
Does the Sun move?
YES! The entire solar system is orbiting the center of our galaxy plus the Sun itself rotates.
Why isn’t it possible to walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune?
Because they don't have solid surface
How old is the universe? (in billion years)
13.7 billion years
How many stars made up the Big Dipper
7 stars
Light-year is a unit used to measure...?
Distance. How far light travels in 1 year.
Who first proposed that the Sun was the center of the solar system?
Nicolaus Copernicus
What's the hottest planet in solar system
Is there sound in spcae?
The gas molecules in space -- and yes, there is gas -- are too far apart for sound to properly travel. (we need medium to resonate)
What's a "supermoon"?
When the moon is full and at its closest point to the Earth.
What is at the centerr of the Milky Way Galaxy
A black hole
True or false: there is no gravity in space
All matter pulls all other matter towards it; this pull is what we call "gravity". In space, the pull is just much weaker because you are further away from other matter.
Why is Pluto NOT a planet?
Pluto does not clear its orbit of other debris (which is one of the three criteria set by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for defining a planet.)
If you drop a hammer and a feather on the Moon, which one would hit the ground first?
How many planets can we see without a telescope?
(Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)
If you go into space, do you get taller?
Yes, the cartilage disks in your spine expand to the lack of gravity, making you taller.
How many galaxies outside of the Milky Way can we see with naked eye?
How old is our sun? (in billion years)
Roughly 5 billion years (4.6 billion years)
How old is the universe? (in billion years)
About 13.8 billion years
How long will it take sunlight to travel from the sun to the Earth?
8 minutes
How many constellations do we identify?
What are the three things comets are made out of?