This is the acronym for SAILS
What is the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services
This is the cost of ASU Counseling Services
What is free?
This is the app that gives you notifications of things happening on and near campus
What is LiveSafe?
These are the two available appointment types
What are Telehealth and In-person appointments?
This is the acronym for UASP
What is the University Academic Support Program?
How you get accommodations for ASU
What is registering for SAILS?
This provides free 24/7 telehealth for ASU students
What is TELUS?
These are located all across the campus in case of emergencies
What are emergency call boxes?
This is how you make an appointment
What is my health portal on my asu?
Where to get help with Essays and other writing projects
What is the writing center?
This is the acronym for DART
What is Disability Access and Resources Transportation?
This provides free 24/7 crisis help
What is EMPACT?
These are who you should listen to for your safety in your dorm
Who are your CAs and building managers?
This is the location of the Health Services Building
Where is off of palm walk?
These are the types of tutoring options available
What is online and in person?
The location of the SAILS office
Where is Across from Hayden Library?
These are the mental health struggles that ASU does not have experts in
What is none?
This is the service that provides safe rides across campus
What is the ASU safety escort service?
This is how you can stay healthy and active on campus
What are the fitness center and classes?
This is the SSC
What is the Student Success Center?
The services given by SAILS
What is communication access/interpreting, note-taking help, timed assignment help, alternative formats, and DART Transportation?
This is the phone number for ASU counseling services
What is (480) 921-1006?
This is how to schedule a ride with the service
What is calling 480-965-1515 or emailing ?
This is the where you can find all of the different services that ASU provides for your health
What is ?