what is spirited away
This is the month Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is celebrated
What is May
at this type of restaurant you order raw meats and cook them at your table
what is kbbq
what is Japan
highschooler finds notebook then finds out it kills people. he then goes crazy
what is death note
month celebrating filipino american history
what is october
These are small tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as traditional eating utensils
What are chopsticks
What three colors appear on the flag of Thailand
What is red, white, and blue
The language known as Tagalog is spoken primarily in this country
Where is Phillippines
this vietnamese holiday celebrates lunar new year
what is Tết
popular piece of cooking equipment
what is wok
capital city of Vietnam
where is Hanoi
number of counties in asia
what is 48
moon cakes are commonly eaten during this chinese holiday
what is mid autumn festival
this dessert roughly translates to "mix-mix"
what is halo halo
smallest country in Asia
what is Maldives