They did it first!
Bad guys and
good guys
Great films
Alphabet soup
Pot pourri
It was Edison's peep show device for showing film.
What is the kinetoscope?
He went on a witch hunt to find commies in the entertainment industry.
Who was Joe McCarthy?
Even though it was the most successful silent film ever produced, it still causes controversy today for the way it depicts race issues.
What was "Birth of a Nation?"
This self-regulation of films created the rating system for movies.
What is the MPAA- Motion Picture Association of America?
I'll take a plastic Transformer with that hamburger, please.
What is a merchandise tie-in?
Eadweard Muybridge was the first to invent a machine to project slides onto a distant surface.
What is a zoopraxiscope?
Independent film makers didn't "trust" him, so they took their studios and moved to Hollywood.
Who is Thomas Edison?
These started out as best-selling books that changed the way children read.
What are the Harry Potter movies?
It's a less expensive movie to produce and it was typically paired with a better movie to form a double feature.
What is a B-movie?
You have to take the bad movies with the good movies.
What is block booking?
His groundbreaking use of a cast of thousands, music, and controversial subject matter bought him a place in history for about $125,000.
Who was D. W. Griffith?
In 1989, these companies pledged to stop product placement in movies but they didn't follow through so now this warning is part of movie rating.
What is smoking?
This was one of the first movies to actually tell a story rather than just show pictures.
What is "A Trip to the Moon?"
Many think it was the movie that launched product placement when M&M's turned down the offer and Reese's Pieces became the candy of choice.
What is "E.T.?"
Don't blink or you'll miss it; it's the reason we think pictures are moving.
What is persistence of vision?
He broke his own record for having the all time biggest box office hit.
Who is James Cameron?
The Supreme Court, in the Paramount Decision, ruled this illegal.
What is vertical integration?
This was the first movie to use editing and a mobile camera to tell a more sophisticated story than movie goers were used to seeing.
What is the "Great Train Robbery?"
They feared the Communists were planting messages in films.
What was the HUAC--the House Un-American Activities Committee?
They are commercials that will live forever.
What is product placement?
Their invention cinematographe, for photographing and projecting action, gave us the word we now use to mean the art or science of motion-picture photography.
Who were the Lumiere brothers?
His process to record images on polished metal plates was the forerunner of photography and, ultimately, the movies.
Who was Louis Daguerre?
Critics said the story line was weak and the best thing about it were the special effects but it was the highest-grossing film in history until this year.
What is "Titanic?"
It didn't work out so well in the 1950s but it's a technology that is packing the theatres in 2010.
What is 3-D?
If there are four Harry Potter books, you can bet there will be four Harry Potter movies!
What are franchise films?