Capitalism Ascends
Capitalizing on Culture (1920s)
Capitalism Chronicles
ns of Freedom
Pioneers, Presidents, and Prodigies: The Great American Quest
African American Renaissance
Capitalism's Immigrant Odyssey
Capitalist Titans
Women's Experiences
Capitalism in Crisis
My Capitalism feels blue
Impact of Americna Capitalism and Ideologies
Capitalist icons

This mode of transportation expanded rapidly, facilitating the rise of capitalism in the USA.

What was the railways?

This aspect of American capitalism and culture, exemplified by Hollywood, played a significant role in shaping American values, including perceptions of beauty and lifestyle.

What was the film industry?


This group faced economic exploitation and systemic discrimination under capitalism, leading to challenges in accessing employment opportunities and achieving economic equality.

Who were African Americans?


A cornerstone of American ideology, advocates for this principle, limiting the power and scope of governmental authority.

What is Limited Government?


This U.S. president implemented the New Deal to combat the effects of the Great Depression and lead the nation through World War II.

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


A vibrant cultural movement centered in this New York City neighborhood, where African American artists, writers, and musicians flourished, contributing to a new era of Black cultural expression.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?

This island acted as a processing center and was the gateway for many new immigrants to America?

Where was Ellis Island?


This legendary baseball player helped popularize the sport during the early 20th century, earning a place in baseball history with his impressive feats on the field.

Who was Babe Ruth?


The 1920's saw the emergence of a new type of women characterised by her bobbed hair, short skirts and love for a new type of music and dance called Jazz.

Who were the flappers?


Stock market speculation and overproduction, contributed to this occurring in the United States.

What was the Great Depression?


This event, which occurred in October 1929, is often considered the catalyst for the Great Depression.

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


This economic system, characterized by private ownership of the means of production and the pursuit of profit, shaped American society and politics during the period spanning from WWII until 1941.

What is capitalism?


This industrialist, founder of Ford Motor Company, revolutionized the automotive industry with mass production techniques.

Who was Henry Ford?


This post-Civil War era provided fertile ground for the growth of capitalism in the USA.

What was the Reconstruction era?


a result of American capitalism and moral reform movements, influenced American values by shaping attitudes towards alcohol consumption and social control?

What was Prohibition?


Amidst the rise of capitalism, experienced harsh working conditions, low wages, and limited job security, highlighting the exploitation inherent in this economic system.

Who were Urban Workers?


Integral to capitalist ideals, promotes this concept, emphasizing the freedom of individuals and businesses to engage in economic pursuits without undue interference from the government.

What is economic liberty or Laissez faire?


This U.S. president, during World War I, strongly supported the creation of the League of Nations as a means to maintain peace and prevent future conflicts.

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


This movement of the 1920s saw thousands of African Americans leave the rural South in search of better economic opportunities and freedom from this widespread practice of racial segregation and violence.

What was the Great migration?


Also known as this, restricted immigration to the United States by establishing quotas based on national origin, effectively limiting the influx of immigrants, particularly those from Southern and Eastern Europe.

What was the Immigration Act of 1924


This philanthropist, heir to a vast fortune, played a significant role in philanthropic activities and urban development.

Who was J.D. Rockefeller Jr?


This franchise was won by white women in 1920 after decades of campaigning.

What was the right to vote?


During the Great Depression, this group faced disproportionate hardships including the policy of last in, first out. This led to high levels of unemployment and discrimination.

Who where African Americans?


This group experienced widespread unemployment and poverty during the Great Depression, leading to shantytowns called "Hoovervilles."

Who were the American citizens, particularly workers and farmers?


This group, faced systemic discrimination and limited economic opportunities within the capitalist system, leading to movements for civil rights and equality.

Who were African Americans?


This influential figure, wife of a U.S. president, was an advocate for civil rights and humanitarian causes, shaping social policies during her husband's presidency.

Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?


The influx of this workforce group played a pivotal role in the rise of capitalism in the USA.

Who were immigrants?


Characterized by its vibrant music and dance culture, reflected changing values in American society, notably in regards to this aspect of personal expression and social liberation.

What was the Jazz Age?


Influenced by capitalism's expansion, often faced economic instability and displacement from traditional livelihoods. This social group often missed out on the economic improvements of the time.

Who were farmers, Rural Workers?


This trait, emphasizing the importance of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and independence in American culture.

What is "rugged individualism"?


This U.S. president was in office during the onset of the Great Depression, facing immense economic challenges during his tenure.

Who was Herbert Hoover?


This Summer was marked by a series of violent race riots across the United States, including in this city, where racial tensions erupted into deadly clashes between African Americans and white mobs.

What was the Red Summer of 1919?


Italian immigrants and self-proclaimed anarchists, were controversially convicted and executed in the 1920s for their alleged involvement in this crime, sparking international outrage and debates over justice and immigration policies in the United States.

Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?


This individual served as the Director of the FBI for nearly five decades, shaping law enforcement policies and tactics during his tenure.

Who was J. Edgar Hoover?


These inventions of the 1920 saw the lives of middle class women change releasing the burden of domestic chores and creating more leisure time.

What were new household appliances, fridges, washing machines?


Amidst the great depression, this group faced significant job losses, wage cuts and homelessness contributing to unrest and labour activism in cities across America.

Who were Urban Workers?


This political philosophy, advocating for government intervention in the economy to alleviate the suffering of citizens, became prominent during the Great Depression.

What is Keynesian economics?


This policy, advocated by isolationists, aimed to avoid entanglement in foreign conflicts and prioritize domestic concerns.

What is isolationism?


This aviator made history by completing the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who was Charles Lindbergh?


The discovery of this resource acted as a catalyst for the ascendancy of capitalism in the USA.

What was petroleum (oil)?


While not exclusive to capitalism, embodied certain American values, including racism and nativism, during this period of societal upheaval.

Who were the KKK?


Drawn to America's promise of prosperity under capitalism, often encountered exploitation, discrimination, and unsafe working conditions in industries such as mining, factories, and railways.

Who were immigrants?


A quintessential aspect of American identity, embodies this belief, asserting that through hard work, determination, and opportunity, individuals can achieve success, prosperity, and upward mobility.

What is the American Dream?


This British Prime Minister collaborated closely with the USA during World War II, forming a strong alliance against Axis powers.

Who was Winston Churchill?


This group experienced a resurgence in the 1920s, targeting African Americans, immigrants, and other minorities with acts of violence, intimidation, and this form of racial terrorism, aimed at maintaining white supremacy.

Who were the Ku Klux Klan?


This movement was fueled by fears of cultural dilution and job competition, leading to the enactment of this legislation in 1924, which restricted immigration based on national origin.

What was Nativism?


This poet, novelist, and playwright was a key figure in the Harlem Renaissance, known for his contributions to African American literature and culture.

Who was Langston Hughes?


During World War II, women contributed to the war effort in various capacities, including their groundbreaking service in this sector, where they served as nurses, pilots, and mechanics.

What was the Women's Military Services?


This group faced extra challenges during the Great Depression including farm foreclosures, crop failures, poverty and the ecological disaster of the Dust Bowl, leading to the mass migration of the population.

Who were rural workers, farmers?


This series of programs, legislation, and reforms introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform during the Great Depression.

What is the New Deal?


These individuals, predominantly engaged in agricultural work, faced challenges such as low wages, mechanization of farming, and the Dust Bowl, leading to migration to urban centers in search of better opportunities.

Who were farmers, rural workers?


Known as an infamous mobster during the Prohibition era, this figure was involved in organized crime in Chicago.

Who was Al Capone?


This industrial process revolutionized manufacturing, propelling the rise of capitalism in the USA.

What was mass production?


a belief system influenced by capitalism, shaped American values by promoting the idea that societal progress was driven by competition and the success of the strong over the weak.

What was Social Darwinism?


As key beneficiaries of capitalism, amassed vast wealth and power through the exploitation of labor, technological innovation, and market domination, shaping the economic landscape of the nation.

Who were the industrialists?


This African American entrepreneur, known for her hair care products and cosmetics, became one of the wealthiest self-made women in America during the early 20th century.

Who was Madam C.J. Walker


African American activists such as this scholar and leader, founded this group, continuing to fight for racial equality and social justice during the 1920s, laying the groundwork for the civil rights movement of the following decades.

What was the NAACP?


A series of government-led actions in the United States during the 1920s aimed at rooting out suspected radicals and anarchists, particularly those associated with this political ideology, leading to mass arrests, deportations, and violations of civil liberties.

What were the Palmer Raids?


This aviator set numerous aviation records and became an icon of women's empowerment and aviation during the early 20th century.

Who was Amelia Earhart?


During the Great Depression, women faced increased economic hardships and societal pressures. Name one of the common challenges women experienced during this time.

What is "unemployment, wage disparities, limited access to education and job opportunities, and increased responsibilities in managing household finances and caring for families"?


This political party were the stewards of the economy prior to the Great Depression, there inability to respond effectively to the struggles of the population caused them to lose the 1932 election.

Who was the Republican Party?


This aspect of the New Deal aimed to regulate the stock market and restore faith in the banking system.

What are financial reforms, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?


These individuals, coming from various countries and cultures, often faced discrimination and xenophobia in American society, despite contributing to the labor force and economy.

Who were immigrants


This influential jazz musician played a significant role in American music during the Harlem Renaissance, contributing to the cultural fabric of the nation.

Who was Louis Armstrong?