What is the runway separation between an arriving cat 1 preceded by an arriving cat 2
3000 ft
During Quiet Hours, locally based arriving aircraft may conduct a straight-in approach to a full-stop landing only. Do not authorize the following when Quiet Hours are in effect:
a. High power engine run-ups. b. Departures. c. Practice approaches. d. Overhead maneuvers. e. Transient aircraft to land outside their approved PPR time.
Marine Beauforts Class Level
What is IVB
The name of the airfield and who it was named after.
What is Merritt Field, General Merritt
First general order.
Take charge of this post and all government property in view.
Radar service is automatically terminated and the aircraft needs not be advised of termination when:
What is: 1. An aircraft cancels its IFR flight plan, except within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, TRSA, or where basic radar service is provided. 2. An aircraft conducting an instrument, visual, or contact approach has landed or has been instructed to change to advisory frequency. 3. At tower‐controlled airports where radar coverage does not exist to within 1/2 mile of the end of the runway, arriving aircraft shall be informed when radar service is terminated. 4. TERMINAL. An arriving VFR aircraft receiving radar service to a tower‐controlled airport within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, TRSA, or where basic radar service is provided has landed, or to all other airports, is instructed to change to tower or advisory frequency. 5. TERMINAL. An aircraft completes a radar approach
Precluding an emergency, what shall not be done to Runway 32?
Multiple approaches by turbojet aircraft and approaches made with hung ordnance.
ATC procedures and phraseology are prescribed in FAAO JO 7110.65. Emphasis is on
What is standardization, brevity, and reduction of frequency congestion.
Due to noise abatement procedures any in-frame High Power Engine Turn-Ups in excess of normal pre-take off engine checks shall taxi to
What is either the hold short area of runway 14 or 32
Maximum range of an M16A4 service rifle.
3534 meters
Consider an altitude readout valid when:
What is 1. It varies less than 300 feet from the pilot reported altitude, or 2. You receive a continuous readout from an aircraft on the airport and the readout varies by less than 300 feet from the field elevation, or You have correlated the altitude information in your data block with the validated information in a data block generated in another facility (by verbally coordinating with the other controller) and your readout is exactly the same as the readout in the other data block.
When entering a test flight plan in the FDIO, use “______” as the first part of the call sign and the ______________ as the last part of the call-sign.
What is "TTT", operator’s initials
Ground Control (GC) is responsible for exercising surveillance of the airport movement area. Primary duties of GC include the following:
What is 1. Formulating and issuing ground movement clearances to aircraft and vehicles operating on the airport. 2. Transmitting current weather and field conditions, as required.
This type of aircraft is too heavy for MCAS Beauforts Weight bearing capacity
What is None, all aircraft types loaded to their designated cargo weight can taxi at MCAS Beaufort
Five Paragraph Order
Situation Mission Execution Admin and logistics Command and signal
Request a pilot to confirm assigned altitude on initial contact unless:
What is a. The pilot states the assigned altitude, or b. You assign a new altitude to a climbing or a descending aircraft, or c. The Mode C readout is valid and indicates that the aircraft is established at the assigned altitude, or d. TERMINAL. The aircraft was transferred to you from another sector/position within your facility (intrafacility).
Local clearances have been established at NBC to standardize the clearance limits, routes, and altitudes for the following:
What is a. Departure clearances into the GCA pattern. b. Special VFR Clearances.
ATC personnel shall not knowingly transmit or permit to be transmitted over voice or data communications circuits:
What is 1. Obscene, indecent, or profane language. 2. False or deceptive communications. 3. Identification not authorized or assigned. 4. Willful or malicious interference with other communications. 5. Superfluous or unauthorized transmissions of a personal nature.
Here are the carrier lights.
What is 175' in from the approach end of Runways 05 and 23
Mission of the Marine Rifle Squad
To locate, close with, and destroy the enemy, by fire and maneuver, or repel the enemy assault by fire and close combat.
What is a Handoff?
An action taken to transfer the radar identification of an aircraft from one controller to another controller if the aircraft will enter the receiving controller's airspace and radio communications with the aircraft will be transferred.
When is the tower automatically required to be providing visual separation?
Tower downwind and fullstop Aircraft.
Duties of the Flight Data (RD) position include the following:
What is 1. Operating communications equipment associated with the RD position. 2. Receiving and relaying aircraft movement data. 3. Preparing and posting flight progress strips. 4. Operating FDIO equipment. 5. Monitoring NAVAID alarm systems.
The Beacon is ___' above MSL and is
What is 112, standard military alternate green and dual-peaked white rotating beacon
Describe the cyclic rate of fire for the M240G machine gun?
650-950 RPM continuous burst, barrel change every minute.