EHR Lingo
True or False
EHR Templates
How to

What is the Hamburger icon and what is it's purpose?

Three horizontal lines on top of each other. It is a navigation button. It gives you the ability to get to another area in ATHENA, for example patient cases or Quickview.


If a patient doesn't know their blood quantum, just type in 1/4.


if you don't know for sure type in N/A or Unknown


How many templates can be used for a patient encounter in a village clinic?

As many as you need, just delete the repetitive sections.


What is the first step in Registering a new patient?

Call Registration and make sure they are not already registered


How do you add a POC Lab to the chart and result it?

+Diagnosis and orders, select POC tests, select the Lab, then click on the name to open and type in the results and QC in designated areas.


What does the French Fry icon look like and what is it's purpose?

Two columns of three dots next to each other. Expands or opens a section in ATHENA, for example opens up a medication to see the details.


To view any providers' schedule call registration.


click on +, on the top right of the schedule view and add the provider to your view


Name two templates you would use for a patient following up after a recent surgery who also complains of a cough?

Health Aide Recheck and Health Aide General Template


How do you enter a late entry emergency note so it is accurate to the date and time of the actual visit?

Document it as a late entry in the HPI and state the actual time and when scheduling the visit, under create a slot, select the correct date and time


How do you add an ECG to the chart?

Select electrocardiogram under point of care tests


What is a Carrot?

Looks like a down arrow. It allows you to skip to the next section in a patient's chart


You can view another provider's clinical inbox by clicking on the + sign and searching in "Users and Roles" search box.



What template is appropriate for a flu shot visit

IMM Only template


You give a patient Depo Provera, how might you obtain the next injection from pharmacy?

Send them a patient case or call pharmacy to request it


How do you document the administration of Morphine in an emergency?

Provider must put in the medication order and sign. Then, the health aide can re-open the order, select administration tab and document details of the injection there, then sign the order (for administration of the medication).


What is the bread crumb trail?

A series of words that leads you down a path. In ATHENA it takes you from the different sections in a patient's clinical chart. INTAKE>EXAM>HPI>PE, etc


If labs are in the Health Aide clinical inbox, just ignore them.


labs should be sent to the primary care provider in review


What template is used to result a PPD

None, result the lab and document induration within the lab under view actions. No need to start a new template.


Describe three steps in the process of adding a jotter image in ATHENA?

Go to procedure documentation under PE section, click +, then Click add jotter image and modify as needed


How do you document administration of IV fluids?

+Procedure documentation under PE section, select CHAM and click to select IV administration, docment details in the procedure template.


What is a Radio Button?

Small circle next to a word, click to mark. It answers some type of question.


Health Aides can put in medication orders if the medicine is in the CHAM Plan.


They would also need a medical standing order for the Assessment.


What template(s) could you use for a prenatal patient who needs a chronic medication prescription renewed?

Health Aide General


Who signs the orders for recurring injectable medications for a patient?

The prescribing provider.


How do you send a note for review to multiple people such as PCP, Pharmacy, and your CI?

Select the carrot in A/P section, next to the "NEXT." Then, select send for review, type in the persons name and click on it, then type in the next person's name and click on it, same process regardless of how many people you select.