The Origin Story
Look to the past to predict the future
It's in the report
City of Brotherly Love

This is the name of Oak Street Health's first ever center

What is Edgewater? 


This sheet is where provider/CIS' review prior day's suspects to ensure appropriate operational actions were taken.

What is Daily Lookback?


This Google Sheet report reflects important PopHealth measures from the prior week - including addressal and scheduling

What is Winning the Week? 


Famously depicted in National Treasure, the Declaration of Independence was signed here

What is Independence Hall?


This center was the first center OG OSH (non-legacy/acquisition) that opened in the Atlantic division

What is Cheltenham?


The Daily lookback reporting of this visit type will begin in Q2 and be accessible in the Daily Lookback Tracker

What is a Progress Visit? (PRG)


Use this Google Sheet report to track operational metrics MoM related to admissions prevention

What is the Transitional Care Dashboard? 


Standing 30 feet tall, this Founding Father is perched atop Philadelphia's City Hall.

Who/What is William Penn? 

This person was the first "RVP" of Oak Street Health

Who is Rafe Petty? 


This low prevalence condition was added to Daily Lookback for review early Q4 with its own specific dropdowns for next steps

What is End Stage Heart Failure (ESHF)? 


Need to check your Days to PRB? Head to this Canopy Dash.

What is the Scheduling Dashboard? 


This is how many Oak Street Health centers are located within the city limits of Philadelphia.

What is 10? 


After conducting market research on what Oak Street Health should be called, if the founders named their new company after the most common street name in America, what would Oak Street have been named?

What is Second Street? 


The suspects from these two in-center visit types are not reviewed in Daily Lookback

What is PRB and WV?


This Canopy report breaks down Care Reqs by type and time.

What is Responsiveness 2.0?


This quarterback won the first ever Superbowl MVP award for the city of Philadelphia as a Philadelphia Eagle

Who is Nick Foles? 


At what company did our founders incubate the idea of Oak Street Health while working on a case at BCG

What is Humana?


This was the anticipated decrease of suspect volume on Daily Accountability with the new filter going in to 2025

What is 48%? (Within 10pp accepted) 


This Canopy report combines multiple other reports - including Slot Utilization, Show Rate, Cadence. and MOA.

What is the PASS report? 


You would have spoken this language had you been part of the original settlers of present day Philadelphia.

What is Swedish?